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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Captain's 1/72 Regult and Imai's 1/72 Glaug
  2. I'm still hoping for 1/60 Mac Zero toys Like I'm hoping for more 1/60 enemy mechs. A nice DYRL? Nousjadeul Ger is what I want!!!
  3. Thanks for the pictures!!! Can't wait to see more
  4. They're all the same There's no problem to fit a VF 1J head on a VF 1A body and transform it!!
  5. Ignacio Ocamica


    I want more valks and enemy mecha!!!
  6. Looking really good!!! Amazing job on the cockpit. The proportions of the fighter are spot on!!
  7. For all of us "Tread" lovers Don't know the author so I can't give proper credit!
  8. There are 3. http://www.macrossworld.com/mospeada/_tread_models.htm Carl Thanks for the info Carl! It's been a while since I don't check the model section Do you have any info of this kit?
  9. Back on topic... Hikaru threw his gunpod away and now he is carrying a fan!!!!!!
  10. When I travel, I carry pix of my collection too the 2 of yous need some serious help. Everybody is telling me I need some help! I wonder why? If you can, come and visit Argentina. You'll have a lot of fun You won't find much Macross though
  11. When I travel, I carry pix of my collection too
  12. I won the Legioss and Gold Book on ebay. And I bought the König and 1/48 Roy from Kevin
  13. A little bit OT, but that skate was involved in some "vigilante" action. Last November a guy with a knife tried to steal it from me. To make the story short he lost some teeth!! Not that I'm proud of what I did but he was threatening me with his knife. If anyone is going to get hurt it better not be me
  14. You are right, it's not been skated enough It's new but there are a few scratches Skating is more a hobby to me. I'm into surfing. Have been surfing every day for fifteen years!! Got back from Hawaii a week ago. Been there with my girlfriend since last December for the big winter season Carrying my surfboards, baggage, a boxed VB-6 König, a boxed 1/48 Roy, a loose 1/35 Legioss and the Gold Book was really a nightmare!!!!! Took the boxed 1/48 and König with me into the cockpit
  15. I like it!!! Didn't know there was a 1/72 Tread.
  16. Have three more sets, but I need more 1/60's Cannon Fodders My TRU CF is wearing a set and the production CF (after a little mod in the back pack) stole Hikaru's Fast Packs.
  17. Love the Fast Packs on the CF!! Note to myself: 1/48 CF is a must
  18. A 100 % complete jetfire with all accessories goes between $140/150 on ebay. Yesterday "Luft Toy and Model" (you can search it under ebay stores) had a Fast Pack set under the buy it now option for $89. Every now and then a set of Fast packs pops up on ebay. And it's a matter of time but Yamato is going to re release them So go ahead and get that Jetfire!
  19. Got mine! This Regult is a beauty!!! The detail is really impressive. A work of art. No air bubbles and so little sanding to do
  20. Shoulder and arm missiles are removeable, so I guess the same applies to the chest missiles
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