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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Cool pictures Ido. Thanks for posting the link!!! Those are the most detailed pics of the S.H.E models I have, thanx The YF-21 and VF-5000 are two beauties!!! The hunt for the VF-5000 begins...
  2. Thanks for the pics Graham!!! Looking good, although I'm not a fan of the ghost. The grey scheme of the Zero is great. I hope Yamato's 1/60 VF-0A gets the light grey treatment instead of tan. Either way I'm happy Yamato is doing a Zero after all.
  3. You'll get banned for saying stealth!!! I said it
  4. Looking awesome!!! The head hides the low-hanging shoulders so if it can't tuck in more it's okay by me
  5. According to this picture (see bottom left) the missiles from the forearm are removable too. At least the prototype was intended to.
  6. Agreed, can't get tired of the reruns
  7. Page down... I'm always late to the party Wanted to see Southern Cross stuff too.
  8. No, Google is my start-up page, but first thing I do is visiting Macrossworld I think I should avoid one step...
  9. I feel your frustation Hope you get a replacement!!!
  10. Excellent work as usual!!! Really nice weathering
  11. Thank you so much for the new pics I find myself checking everyday if there's new pics of the GBP and the 1/60 VF-0
  12. First time I used the new forums I had that posting images space limit. But suddendly my settings changed to 'unlimited space' So it's up to what we call 'common sense'
  13. Have a 5 years old computer too. Still using Windows 98 with broadband connection and MW, as others said, is the fastest message board. (I'm buying a new computer next month )
  14. Okay, that leaves us 9 more years Time to sit back, relax, do the nasty thing with our girlfriends and collect macross products
  15. Thanks for the pics!!! It's good that some companies are starting to show interest in Macross Zero. It means Macross is still alive and we can hope to see more toys and models from the whole franchise
  16. Looking really good so far!!!
  17. Dammit I keep forgetting to scan my filmstrip. 328819[/snapback] What are you waiting for? j/k
  18. Looking foward to more updates It's coming out really nice!! Build up threads, the best ones.
  19. Wow!! Nice models there!!! Really striking Welcome to Macrossworld.
  20. Looking really good!!! I like the blue.
  21. There may not be a giftset at all. That's why there are reissuing the VF-1J with it in December. 328149[/snapback] I think there may not be a giftset too. With the price of the GBP parts alone, a giftset is going to be quite expensive! I don't think Yamato wants a $ 200+ item warming the shelves. It sucks big time for the people that don't have a Hikaru VF-1J and want to put the GBP on it. U$S 130 for Hikaru + U$S 125 for GBP parts = U$S 255 + shipping!! I don't have a VF-1J (don't like it in 1/48, I prefer the 1/60) but I'm gona put a GBP on a VF-1S Focker and another on a CF
  22. I noticed the control panel is crooked! It was glued wrong. One of my VF-1S Focker had the same problem and the canopy couldn't close properly. It's an easy fix though, had to take the panel out and glue it back I wonder if it's a common problem or just with that one. No matter what I'm gonna buy two CF
  23. Thanks for the pics!!! Looking great, can't wait to have mine
  24. Yes please!!! Thanks for volunteering and taking your book apart.
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