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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Thank you Mr_e, I've just added my totals
  2. Which bump are you refering to Kensei? I should receive my two YF-19's next tuesday and I'd like to avoid loosening the wings.
  3. It's still not working for me either
  4. I loosened the screws one turn just because the shoulders of my VF-0A were ultra tight!!! If you don't receive a lemmon (it occasionaly happens) you should be okay Play with it or just display it but don't worry it won't self destruct
  5. Guess I'm the only one who got super tight shoulders, I had to loosen the screws a little bit. My VF-0A shoulders are intact. I did the same with the Garland to release tension. It's murphy's law at it's best, you stop tightening the screw when you break it
  6. November 01' The days of RoLo's and RTH's 1/55 customs, "she who shall not be named", the launch of the 1/60 VF-1 series and so many other memories
  7. I think that the screw tightens the swivel joint, but also weakens the plastic
  8. I'll add myself to the want list
  9. Ignacio Ocamica


    Thanks for the warning!!! I checked all of my valks and none has the blocks broken. Well, the legs never got stuck
  10. HAHAHA!!!! One of the classics lol.
  11. Thank you very much for the vids Graham!!! Can't wait till I get mine
  12. Cool custom!!! As others said, a dullcoat will improve it. Very good paintjob
  13. A pic of my "G1 Megatron" Can't wait to get MP Megs!!!!!
  14. I would gladly give Mr. Bay "my G1 Megatron" so he can figure out what to do
  15. Thank you very much to Graham for the review and to Shawn or providing us this home!!!!
  16. Yes please I want to know too!!!! Did I say the VF-4 rules?
  17. Megatron is the first transformer I'll buy as an adult. It's great as it is. It's perfect!!! The legs could be thicker but I don't care. I't my favorite robot from childhood along with the VF-1. No restrictions on gun toys down here in South America so I'll import Megs directly from Hong Kong or HLJ. I'll post later pics of my 9mm Walther P-38 so we can tell how accurate Megs gun mode is
  18. Ignacio Ocamica

    1/48 GBP

    Please guys, tell where the difference is cause I see the same three colors and the same cammo. Only the green appears to be darker but that's just the lighting
  19. The fellow member you are talking about is: Bariaburu Faita I have a good memory and the search engine is my friend
  20. But what we do know, is that our wallets will hate us!!!!
  21. Give the kits a chance Excillion, they are great, fun to build and not that fragile if you handle them with care. I built two IMAI kits back in 2000 and they were my first attempt at model building. I painted them with a brush enamels and the paint is holding great so far and all the joints still work!!! Obviously they're not toys but I prefer them over the Toynami which is a copy of the IMAI kit. I always go for lineart accuracy, and the Toynami legioss has ridiculously big feet and the canopy is completely wrong. The Gakken is still my fav Legioss, but that's just my opinon
  22. From all the possibilities listed until Graham said that one of us is a prophet, the most likely option could be either a 25th aniversary TV VF-1S with Fast Packs, or the YF-21. We all know that the YF-21 is a given (at least I hope so), and Graham's sig has 21 spaces so I think he is confirming the future release of the 21.
  23. Thanks for the link, I dind't expect that either!!!! Now let's hunt better pics so we can see the details and proportions
  24. They look very good!!!! Thanks for the effort and sharing your work
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