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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I want my SV-51 now!!!! Now I have to sit back, and patiently wait for some YF-21 CAD images
  2. Hurry up!!! Give your wallet one more reason to hate you
  3. I was born 25th June '76. Watched ROTJ in Germany since my father was stationed there (Thyssen Nordsee Werke was building two submarines for Argentina back then)!!
  4. I'm quite happy with my YF-19, so I'll only get the fold FP set. I'll also get the VF-X2 game edition when it comes out.
  5. The Megazone 23 complete box costs U$S 245 (comes with Megazone 23 DVD, original soundtrack CD, "set material" book, and a "metallic color" version of the 1/15 Garland)
  6. Thanks for the scan!!! The sculpt looks great. It's in my buy list
  7. Yeah, thanks for the link and pics!!!
  8. Dude, you are not helping me recovering from the surgery I had yesterday (since I had cronic sinusitis, got four holes drilled inside my nose to free the conducts to reestablish inspiratory flow) I can't stop laughing and the pain is killing me You sure have a creative mind
  9. Couldn't have said it better!!! Megs is a great toy, worth every buck you pay for it
  10. Ignacio Ocamica


    Have you tried pushing/sliding it down? When you do this it clicks and you should see the rear of the front fuselage (about 2-3mm) protruding behind the chest plate. Both my VF-0S and VF-0A chestplates don't jiggle my girlfriends do I agree on the osteoporosis syndrome, although I should knock on wood cause my VF-0A shoulders are still fine just a hairline crack in the left shoulder.
  11. Awesome!!! Very simple but the final result is amazing Hope to see your finished mdels/toys soon. Thanks for the tip!
  12. Really nice models!!! Wish I had some of your skills
  13. Go for it!!! It's good to see fans keeping Macross alive
  14. Great start I like it!!! How did you do that camo pattern?
  15. It's a win-win situation for us Mospeada nuts Now I hope some company would do Inbit mecha!!!
  16. It's pure speculation, but we all hope it will be official soon At one point Yamato wanted to include a VF-22 head with the YF-21 Fast Pack to make the conversion but that idea got dropped. Maybe it was because they didn't hold the M7 license?
  17. No need to apology, thanks for the big effort!!!!
  18. I'd really appreciate if you post some scans!!!
  19. Is there new info about the motoslave? Some new pics? Thanks in advance
  20. Count me in. I want all the inbit mecha!!! I'm serious
  21. Count me in for any type of inbit mecha
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