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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Thanks for clarifying it's the Megahouse version. 2008 is gonna be a great year for us Mospeada fans
  2. New scans from Hobby Japan!!! I think this one is the CM's 1/15, not the Megahouse. Any japanese speaking member care to translate?
  3. Yes the skull is on the outside. This way its easier to customize cause you only have to strip the paint off, polish paint again and you still have a painted skull. I agree with eugimon that it's a better choice of plastic!!
  4. Nice progress so far!!!
  5. No new pics in any magazine??? They should be out by this time of the month I need prototype pics!!!!!!!
  6. I forgot about it too!! Definitely in the after Top 5
  7. 1. Genesis Climber Mospeada 2. Cowboy Beebop TV and Movie 3. Ghost in the Shell Movies 4. Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01 OVA 5. Megazone 23 OVA 6. Akira 7. Patlabor TV and Movies 8. Appleseed 9. Nadesico 10. Yukikaze And there's more...
  8. I checked both arms of my first release 1/60 YF-19 and both are fine This bird has gone through dozen's of transformations since December last year and nothing is broken. Just a tiny stress mark in the left grey piece under the neck caused by the srew.
  9. Great pictures!!! The VF-0S pic is über cool
  10. Why so long????????? Macross fan ===> waiting, waiting and more waiting.... We're always left building expectations for months around some tiny pic posted in a magazine
  11. Only the VF-1S for me, but I will strip that awful gold paint off. I'll wait for a better YF-19 scheme
  12. Nice find. that is a great custom!!! Thanks for posting the link
  13. Look at my avatar
  14. I'm so getting the Proto Garland!!!! Looking very good
  15. My thoughts exactly Strange that they show an unfinished prototype in those adds.
  16. New pics of Nora's SV-51!! Thanks to halfan that posted the link in the 1/60 YF-21 thread
  17. I agree about the legs looking small, specially the feet! I'm sure the proto pics will do it more justice
  18. More pics, again sorry for the quality
  19. Here's a comparison pic with a 1/60 VF-1, sorry for the quality but it was taken with poor lighting
  20. The only parts that yellowed on my Hikaru VF-1A are the srew covers and hands, the rest is white as can be. All the other VF's have no sign of yellowing. I started October 2001 with the 1/60 series, so far so good Hikaru's VF-1A is the only white VF, the rest are greyish white.
  21. Same here
  22. Just a quick picture, will add better ones later!!
  23. Got mine today!! It's really gigantic I don't have the two right hinge problem No stress marks at all, just the wings a little bit on the loose side. I'm inclined to give it almost a ten in my book.
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