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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. +2 1/60 Regult = THE AWESOME
  2. If you zoom this image you can see the pilot is painted!! When comparing this image to older ones, it seems the nosecone has been shortened. The Legioss in this side view is looking great I like this set and with CM's reputation regarding QC it's a win win situation for me Sorry but if the Toynami Legioss was an EXACT copy of the 1/48 IMAI Legioss (which it isn't) I might have given it a chance when it first was released
  3. I guess the pilots should look like this set
  4. I'm currently rewatching the series
  5. I was thinking that Megahouse should do the entire cast in their civilian clothes and without their armor. I'd buy them ALL
  6. Don't expect a smooth transformation like a Yamato or a Bandai toy. Like others said, some parts will pop off. Other than this, the details and finish of the figures and bikes are great. As I type I'm looking at Rei sitting on top of the Proto Garland's right wheel-shoulder
  7. What a great year to be a Mospeada fan!!!
  8. I've done multiple transformations on both MH Stick and Rei and everything is okay!!! No QC problems so far. They're THE awesome, can't wait to get Yellow and Houquet
  9. Yuo are not alone, I like the Proto Garland's paint scheme too
  10. I received notification from the post office!!!! Gonna pick MH Stick and Ley monday morning
  11. Be sure to take tons of pics from every angle possible
  12. I'd like a bigger resolution pic of: Thank you very much!!
  13. Thanks for the pics!!! Can't wait any longer for this release
  14. I guess eugimon's gonna have a lot of new friends
  15. Gues I'm the only one who is impatiently waiting for this set to be released
  16. I also got my shipping notification for both!!!
  17. The pic I posted of the slip cover from the Wonderfest exclusive, shows the lineart of the old 1/60 VF-1 like it was the lineart of a 1/48 That is a major mistake!! If you buy some limited special item you expect they would get the packaging right, right
  18. Yes, I hope that when I get mine (for $150 + shipping ) when it becomes available through Yamato's website, they change the slip cover cause the A$$HOLES printed a fricking 1/60 VF-1 on it No offense but I refuse to pay $500 on top of a F U C K UP!!!!
  19. Thank you for the report!!!
  20. Stick and Rei are back in stock at HLJ I guess that all of us who requested in stock items to be shipped from our preorders should have no problem in getting both!!!!
  21. Yes, I totally agree that more companies making high end macross products is a benefit for us fans It's a win win situation. Remember not long ago when people said macross was fading away
  22. At last some common sense I bet the 1/60 VF-25 DX chogokin will cost between U$S 170/200. Forget about the idea of a Bandai equally detailed 1/60 VF like the SV-51 for U$S 40. I hope Bandai proves me wrong so I can shut my mouth. Macross mecha is not about connecting bricks like SOC Godmarz. I'd like to see an "indestructible accurate to the lineart not chunky monkey VF-25" made by Bandai. All the tiny joints of the Yamato SV-51 were a disaster waiting to happen yet it has proven to be a very solid release. Just my 0.02 cents for what it's worth.
  23. Here you have the megahouse decal sheet. It's from an online scan. It doesn't have the best resolution but maybe you can base a vector trace from it? If you go on with this project, and if you make them available let me be the first on the list asking for four decal sheets
  24. I hope your sample comes broken so you don't enjoy it j/k you bastid
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