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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Some Hobby Japan June pics!!!
  2. What BoB said! Whenever you look from her head she changes direction. Good trick
  3. I think we need to repost that beauty!
  4. A lot!!! But it will be mine
  5. New pics from June Hobby Japan magazine!!!!
  6. In some areas I find the 1/35 Gakken more possable than the 1/55 VF-1 Takatoku!! I'm totally addicted to the CM's set but the Gakken Legioss is a classic
  7. Oldies but goodies...
  8. Ouch!!! That sucks!!! I'll recast the set for you when I get mine. Shoot me a PM with your address
  9. Ok, some low quality pics Promise I'll take better ones!!!
  10. What's more impressive is that, through all these years, my wallet was converted into a transformable mecha!!!! From a heavy, fat wallet, it turns into an EMPTY one
  11. That's why I made a commitment! If I don't deliver, the angry Macrossworld masses will stone me to death
  12. I'm sad but my wallet is happy (after spending big $$ for the three CM's Legioss-Tread sets ) I wanted my YF-21 now!!!
  13. I promise I'll post some pics tonight
  14. Thanks for the link. Great mod!!!
  15. I'll say this countless times: it's so good to be a Mospeada fan!!!
  16. Can't beat that price, I'm buying from Ken too!!
  17. I'm playing with my blue Legioss right now, I just ordered the red one with Overdrive, and Rob got me the green set I'm happy as pig in s h i t
  18. My SV-51 browny is tight as can be, no QC issues at all
  19. Time to get my camera and post some pics!!!
  20. Well, I've received the blue Legioss-Tread set today. Wow!!!! It's so awesome, really I like all of my Yamato's above all, and I'm anxiously waiting for the 1/60 YF-21, BUT this set is rapidly becoming TOY OF THE YEAR in my book! I feel stupid for what I'm going to say, but it's 3:15 am in the morning and just came back home from a work party and I can't go to sleep. I'm posing, transforming, playing with and staring at the tread and legioss Tight joints, ratchet joints, awesome detail (hasegawa rivets and panel lines style!!!), superb semi gloss finish, excellent paint job, tampo printed up the A$$, sticker sheet!!! What else can I say? I wasn't this excited for a toy in a long time. The pictures don't make this set any justice, it doesn't look too toyish in person. I'm glad that I already paid for the Jota green set which turned out to be quite limited. Some quick low quality pics (I'll do an extensive review later):
  21. It stands for deluxe?
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