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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Last saturday Hikaru's 1/60 VF-1J v2 decided to take a 5 feet dive and I found a tiny round peg on the floor. I inspected the toy but I still can't figure out where that peg comes from. Must be a peg from inside the legs or nosecone. First I thought it was one of the two pegs from the heatshield that slide from the chestplate but both are fine I've transformed the VF-1J several times and it works fine!! I won't dissasemble it to find out where it broke. I can provide a pic later.
  2. I've transformed Roy's Strike dozens of times and no cracks at all!!! Hikaru's VF-1A and VF-1J are doin' fine too
  3. It's okay, could have been a whole lot better!!! Boobies are taking the lead???? What's wrong with you people???? Ass FTW!!!!
  4. Great Box art!!! I just got the regular Tomahawk
  5. Couldn't have said it better!!! Your post sums up what they did. Those little changes make it look longer. I like it, I'll get it
  6. That's the answer!!! We'll have to see how the cockpit transforms. Either way I'm so buying the VF-11!!!! She's looking purty
  7. The VF-11 is looking great from these angles!!! There's a panel lined Focker's VF-1S in the back, weathered version coming?
  8. It's coming along really good!!! Great mod.
  9. Dobber's scheme ÜBER ALLES!!!!
  10. You haven't checked the instruction?? Pics courtesy from Graham's review:
  11. The surprise gimmick is the ability of the 1/60 v2 to trun our wallets into transformable ones!!! From full wallets they transform into empty ones!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, the added gimmick is the detachable front fuselage which can be clipped to the arm like the episode where Roy rescued Hikaru and Minmay.
  12. Me!!! I have already preordered and payed for it
  13. Thank you!!!
  14. It depends if you're a mospeada freak like me I'm really happy with the crew: You still skate gene? It's good to hit it up once in a while!!!
  15. Toynami's tread has a "rectal supossitory" as a cockpit Kudos for the people that like it, I'll pass.
  16. You've hit the nail on the head. Toynami's canopy kills it for me.
  17. I guess we'll never agree which one is better Even based on looks alone, the toynami legioss is awful (if it was a 100% IMAI model kit copy I would have considered buying it). The CM's legioss/tread is infinitely better built. And, although I'm a lineart accuracy nazi, I like the liberties taken by CM's. I'm a huge Mospeada fan, but toynami's offerings -> pass!!!
  18. Thanks fot the link!!! It's at the top of my list of most anticipated toys It's looking really great.
  19. Better than the Yamato version!!!
  20. Get the 1/60 VF-1S v2!!! And wait for the VF-0S reissue By the way you should get the 1/60 YF-21 too
  21. Looking really good so far!!!
  22. You should buy the 1/60 YF-21, it's a work of art!!!
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