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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I prefer the blue heatshield too. It goes better with this scheme.
  2. Let me rephrase it a little bit: don't like the figure but like the art -> someone wants a high res of the art -> someone would like the high res art for a sticker for a custom konig -> yamato könig sucks -> someone would rather bandai just make one instead of having to make a custom -> bandai 1/60 DX vf-25 sucks -> a 1/60 yamato vf-25 will self destruct -> bandai 1/100 vf-25 is better -> bandai should do 1/100 könig -> bandai makes kiddy toys -> fan A doesn't like castor wheels -> fan B doesn't like imploding shoulders -> fan C hates robotech -> fan D hates toynami -> toynami's Thread is the best thing since sliced bread -> CM's alpha/beta is better -> it's called legioss/tread you moron!!! -> but robotech was the spearhead of anime in the western world!!! -> Agent ONE is awesome -> Agent ONE gets banned -> Agent ONE returns to Macrossworld -> you are off topic -> STFU -> what is STFU? -> Graham "please stay on topic guys" -> someone agrees.
  3. Compro por internet desde el año 2000 en Hobby Link Japan, Toy-wave (declara el valor que quieras para pagar menos en aduana) y desde el año pasado en Overdrive (también declaran lo que les digas!). Cualquier cosa te paso los links por PM. Yes, the cockpit is extended back, the frame is also different. The base of the frame is also longer. The v2 VF-1D turned out great IMO!!!
  4. In my case it was a week, others have waited a month. In any case it's a great thing we're getting replacemnet parts
  5. Can't wait to to get mine!!! Looks great
  6. I'm still in the stone age I use brushes and enamels!!!
  7. Ahh, I was right about my box Maybe atomsky's box has a sticker over the japanese text!!
  8. I'm at my office now but if I remember right, my Beagle box has those warnings/descriptions writen in Japanese. There's no harmony gold/toynami inscription on it
  9. Thanks for the links!!!
  10. Wow, it's turnin out great!!!!
  11. Yeah, I'm also surprised by how smooth it looks!!!
  12. Yes, Overdrive contacted me one week after my request, telling me they had my parts!!!
  13. I've never seen it before too!!! Thanks for the link, very entertaining to watch
  14. Same here
  15. What others mentioned above plus: 1. The back wheel/seat/end of the bike doesn't line up totally straight with the front wheel/gas tank (minor complaint, only visible from above). I must be the only one that likes the cloth used, the folds and wrinkles give life to the figure!! Please NO ULTRA TIGHT EMO SPANDEX
  16. Today I was contacted by Overdrive telling me they have the parts I ordered. They've asked me which shipping option I want. After that they're going to contact me with payment details. One week to recieve a positive response to my request!!!! That's great customer service
  17. Simple but very effective. Thanks for the tip!!!
  18. Right click, save as... Right click, save as... Right click, save as... Right click, save as... Right click, save as... Excellent paintjob, it rules über alles!!!
  19. Looking very good!!! Can I ask how you did the chipping?
  20. Wow, that was a given but thanks for the confirmation!!! This year our wallets will take a great beating
  21. Yeah, it looks exactly like the Toynami sculpt, with the curl on the forehead facing the other side, bigger ears... The only difference is the flat finish which makes it look less cartooney than the pictures we've seen from Toynamis version. I'm very pleased with Beagle ver. I also paid U$S199 plus shipping when I preordered so no Toynami version for me
  22. Got my Beagle today!!!! It's an incredible toy Same complaint about the helmeted head being loose. Very easy to fix. Will post pictures later
  23. Great review jenius!!! I'm heading right now to the post office to pick mine up
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