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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Agree with you on most of your points However, let me "rephrase" factor a): IN MY COUNTRY, In this depression-economy, EVERYTHING is "inflating". Last year we had 30% inflation, this year we'll surpass it. The government keeps depreciating our currency (Argentinean Peso) against the dolar. Last year U$S 1 was $3, this year U$S 1 is almost $4. So every U$S 100 I pay $ 400 on top of that 50% customs taxes We are the only economy in the world where everything is more expensive as months pass by Me, I'm keeping all of my v1. VF's
  2. Get the YF-21, then the others
  3. Awesome There's 75% Macross present in your pictures
  4. The inner frame is choke full of details Last month I had the Strike gundam completely naked too!!!! I like to be able to see all the mechanics like the pistons. I do the same with the Fast Packs and leg packs from my 1/48's and 1/60's v2. I don't play with my toys/models but I transform them a lot and continuosly change the poses. That includes taking armor plates off from time to time The Titans MKII managed to get a whoa!!!!!!! from my wife. I also use my toys to annoy my wife or make her laugh. Last week she openned the refrigerator and there was the Proto Garland giving her the middle finger I like to keep my "inner child" happy.
  5. You guessed right!!!! Gas stove, you get a cookie Pete, Schizo, you should get at least one PG and experience the fun factor building them!!!!!
  6. Quick comparison pic, sorry for the quality:
  7. Why? Really good question, next thing they'll be remaking 2/3 year old movies
  8. I like my YF-19 as is, but should Yamato come up with a version I like more, I'd buy it
  9. Rand/misterious guy on drugs with shiny frying face covered with hawaiian tropic sun lotion!!!! Ley with more serious look!!!
  10. Thanks for the link!!! Again, I like Beagle's head sculpt better Kudos for the people that like the toynami sculpts better, to me they're atrocious
  11. Gamu Toys Kakizaki TV pictures!!!
  12. Wish it said: it will come with DYRL? head and TV head
  13. Wow MechTech that Harrier is infinite levels of awesome!!!!!! The scale, the scale
  14. Graham confirmed later this year!!!
  15. I'd like to see the VF-4. Preferably done by Yamato!!
  16. Well, you still can complain! That it's not "perfect transformation" anymore cause you have to swap parts?
  17. Only getting kaki TV
  18. Another amazing project!!! Will patiently wait for progress pics, looking great so far
  19. Absolutely!!! And the VF-1S Low Viz is starting to grow on me
  20. I like it!!! Looks great
  21. Some quick pics of Hikaru and Max, will add better quality ones later
  22. I will when I receive it
  23. Got my Fan Racer shipped from Japan today Let's see how it turns out.
  24. I always forget about Rightstuf!!! Glad I could help. Check this OVA, it's pure 80's mecha porn, it's not the end of all be but very entertaining nonetheless
  25. Wow, that's a great proggress!!! The Centipede is turning out very well
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