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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Please elaborate more Can't wait to get my copy!!!
  2. No stickers no landing gears and no pilot!! The two turbines rotate when you blow air and the cockpit opens. I'm glad I bought it
  3. Only my Focker VF-1S Strike developed a crack in the left shoulder. All the others are fine!!!! TV Max is one of my most transformed VF's and it's holding together just fine. Haven't received my three CF's yet
  4. What the man said!!!! VF-3000 is my favorite VF Add the SW-AX1 Schneeblume, and the Nousjadeul-Ger (both TV and DYRL? ver.)
  5. I will go the other way round. If that plate from the arm armor is non removable, I'll cut the male peg and drill the female slot to fit the mechanical hands. That way I'll be able to use both the fixed mechanical hands and the articulated
  6. I like it and I'll get it
  7. Amazing!!!!!! I hope you'll be able to offer more kits than the 20 planned
  8. Beat me to it!!!! Jenius comparison in his website is the best and definite comparison out there!!!!
  9. Wish I could help but I'm a complete iliterate when it comes to 3D modelling Your project is shaping to be great though!!!
  10. I'm pretty sure we'll be able to attach even the fixed mechanical hands from the current releases. It seems that grey piece can be detached.
  11. Wow, if that's the progress of a few hours.... It's amazing, and with your project there's nothing to envy from all of those other scratchbuilds that appear in the Japanese mags!!!
  12. Like the battroid, I'll give it a try!!!
  13. A couple of quick pics, sorry for the lighting and quality!!
  14. Exactly!!! And it doesn't mean it should only appeal to older fans, young audiences can appreciate a mature perspective too!!
  15. You have all the right to feel that way, believe me, I feel the same way So close and so distant at the same time!!! I wonder who will get those two Fuke prototypes??? They'll be more expensive than the Landsay Tread back in the day!!! The Holy Grail of any Mospeada collection!!!!
  16. I hate to burst any bubbles or be a party pooper but I think we're all being delusional We are doomed if (as said earlier in this thread) only 3000 of each release were produced, and it has not sold out yet. Stick and Rei are still available. If there's no more than 6000, let's push those numbers more, say 10.000 potential buyers all over the world then we are screwed. We're not able to gather 3000 Mospeada fans from only 10 countries (300 each!)????????????? Macross 7 and Dynamite 7 had a great audience in Japan back in the day, and the 1/60 VF-22 is still available (Yamato claimed only 1000 units have been produced??). It's not a good sign.
  17. And there also was this project from a group of design students and their teacher from Mexico. They were doing a 1/18 from scratch if I'm not mistaken.
  18. Nothing against you bro, but don't give atrocious ideas
  19. Since there's a different approach to each new Macross series made by Mr Kawamory, I think it's time for a serious, mature, gritty, violent, and more on the military side series this opportunity. Macross Frontier took elements from all of the franchise universe to please a wider fanbase, now it's time for an original series, DYRL?, Macross Plus approach. Something along the lines of the Sega opening Macross game.
  20. I've had the same problem for the last two weeks Yesterday it was IPS driver error for me too. I couldn't access the forum for the past two hours.
  21. It's not fair to have Ray but no Fuke to display with him!!! Out of my favorite two characters I got only one So sad. Ray and Stick alone like when they met at the begining of the series. This line is so awesome, even for a non Mospeada fan it's a great toy!!!! Such a pity that Beagle had to discontinue it. We were so close, I guess out of 4 main characters getting two is better than nothing Us mospeada fans are doomed
  22. I'm going to be so broke this year I hope this bundle comes fully tampo printed. For the armor set only I want it tampoed too except for the modex number (time for army building!!)
  23. Glad you like it Will take the requested pic when I get home!! Now I need to get working on my valks to emulate ruskii's posing
  24. Another two for the crazy aussie ruskii
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