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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Wow, it looks gorgeous!!! Thanks for the pics
  2. Now you must take hundreds of pictures
  3. I should receive mine soon Don't understand a single Japanese word but this is a must buy I'll leave my impressions later.
  4. Wow!!! You are getting there Looking nice.
  5. Here's a pic with the PG Strike, at 1/144 the Psycho Gundam is huge I still owe you the review!!! The Psycho MkII comes with a stand, deflector shields/bits both in open and closed mode, two sets of cables for the forearms (you can detach them and use them as guided weapons) and a pair of closed fists.
  6. As it has already been said, that's another great custom Ron!!!
  7. I'm in
  8. Shoulders, hips, crotch/a$$ area, knees and ankle articulation are all metal. There's also plenty metal inside the legs (internal leg frame) and some inside the torso. All the outside armor is plastic with a nice matte finish and the paint job is as perfect as can be, not a single flaw!!
  9. That's a great question!!! I hope Yamato decides to make the VF-17S
  10. I'll post the "brick mode" later with the review It's really a great toy, the wow factor when I took it out of the styrofoam was exactly as when I open my Yamato's. It's one of the very few gundam designs that I like
  11. Some pics as promised, then I'll do a proper review:
  12. Hahahahahaha!!!! I'm heading for my afternoon surf session and then the review and pics as promised
  13. Great cells, thanks for sharing!!!!
  14. Received the Psycho Gungam MkII from Hong Kong at last!!!! This Metal Composite Fix Figuration toy is THE AWESOME. Pure mecha porn, it's bigger and taller than a Yamato 1/48 VF-1. Almost as tall as the PG Strike. First impressions: hefty toy, diecast where it's needed, the paint application and tampo markings are beyond this planet, stiff joints. I'll post pics and a better review tonight!!!!!
  15. I didn't grab the pics It was still a rough sculpt so I was waiting for more updates!! The link I posted was update #31, and now it's gone
  16. The wonders of Macrossworld
  17. I have to go to the post office tomorrow and get my Metal Composite Fix Figuration Psycho Gundam MkII that is waiting for me I'm also waiting for the 1/60 v2 M&M VF-1J's and Roy Focker's Low Viz VF-1S
  18. I got my VF-1 Low Viz back in the day for $100 when no one wanted it I remember seing it going for $80 at Toy-Wave!!! It's incredible how this VF-1 was a shelf warmer for a long time and then the latecomers had to pay big amounts of $$$ to get it
  19. It's really fugly IMHO!!!! Another DX pass for me It's great for the fans that like this design tough I'm looking foward to the DX VF-27, that bird is a beauty, and a much better effort than it's VF-25 counterpart.
  20. Great!!! I'm getting this and Max's weathered VF-1S too Hikaru's weathered VF-1S shouldn't be that far away right?
  21. Wow!!!! Thanks for the head ups
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