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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. 1. DYRL? Nousjadeul-Ger 2. Glaug 3. Inbit Mecha!!! Pretty please
  2. I didn't realize until you mentioned it The phrase would be "took the plunge", right? At least we (the non native English speakers) bring out some laughs
  3. Payment sent A big thank you Graham for your work and patience!!!
  4. DarrinG, to link the pic from flickr you have to open the pic on your account and copy and paste the url from the second option (the one you posted as attachment: "2. Grab the photo's url:") between this code: You can preview your post to see if it shows the image, which means you're doing it right
  5. Don't worry it works I'll explain it via pm! This is the url of your pic: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4001/438734..._4fce4992cd.jpg
  6. Your pics open instantly, no problem for me
  7. When you upload a pic as an attachment when you post, it shows up as small thumbnail. You have to link the pictures from an image hosting website (I use flickr). This means you have to upload the pics on another webpage and link them in your post.
  8. It's THE awesome!!!!! Great pics
  9. Gamu-toy's pics Can't wait to receive mine!!!
  10. Cool tattoo Thanks for sharing.
  11. It's looking good!!! Definitely buying this since my 1/100 Yamato König is alone Will get the YF-21 too, but where's the damn VF-4!!!!!!!!!
  12. Since Brera's VF-27 seems to be selling out fast, I don't think Bandai can be that stupid not to cash in more $$ making Grace's unit a wide release
  13. I'm starting to really hate exclusives
  14. Really, that YF-21 is nice!!!! More YF-21 goodness (love my Yamato's). Damn I'll never make peace with my wallet There's a crazy aussie mate that will be very happy with this news
  15. Great, love these WIP threads!!!!
  16. Pictures when possible!!!! Mine should arrive in a couple of days.
  17. And I want to see the release of the Armored VF-11C
  18. Yeah, Vi-RS pics are greatly appreciated!!! I also saved every pic from T-Rex's webpage and the CG renders to get an idea of the articulation. I also have John's 1/72 resin kit, so I'll make my own 1/60 version
  19. Well, EXO, Vi-RS and Save could get some!!! Don't know if they got both types but 3 out of 20 is a good percent for Macrossworld I'll bombard them asking for pics of the parts to sculpt my version
  20. No landing gears, not even on the new one It's really up to you to decide if it's worth it
  21. Two weeks ago I had an order with OD processed and shipped in two days. I pay with credit card, never used paypal with OD. Works fine for me, I'm aware some people had issues though I'm in Argentina, South America by the way. I pay EMS and all my orders reach my country in one/two days, then I have to wait 'cause of the a$$holes at my local post office but that's another story
  22. I was ready to shell big bucks but my contact couldn't get me one!!! I've decided to sulpt one and Vi-RS pics showing the parts breakdown help a lot!!!
  23. It takes an eternity to download but it works It works if you refresh the browser numerous times. Open the pics in another window cause if you hit the back button it takes forever to download again.
  24. Primero tengo que esperar que HLJ lo reciba!!! Elegí EMS para el envío pero hay que ver en Argentina cuanto demora el correo Graham confirmed it comes with full markings!!!!
  25. Pictures please when possible!!!! It's going to be two or three weeks before I get mine
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