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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Go ahead and get it!!! Bought the VF-1D when it first hit the streets (more than a year ago, I think it was January 2009). It's awesome valk, no single flaw, the shoulders don't have a single crack.
  2. From the pics I've seen it's GIGANTIC!!! Full of win, great news!!!!
  3. Can't find my jaw, damn, where's my jaw???? This IS THE ULTIMATE DYRL? SDF-1!!!!!! Brilliant work, a piece of art
  4. Great, this will be my second Bandai Mac Frontier toy after the 1/60 VF-27 Hope it's as good as Brera's DX VF-27
  5. Great review!! I still need to get M&M's VF-22's!!! Gamlin and Guld are feeling lonely
  6. Not with mine. Transformed it numerous times (like the VT-1 which has knurled pins). Rock solid, not a single flaw
  7. Great custom!! Thanks for sharing the link
  8. Awesome work Kurt!!! Who's the happy customer?
  9. The funny thing is that I'm going to get the Regult but couldn't get any figures
  10. Voted Spartan Cualquiera de los tres que empieces va a quedar increible!!!
  11. Don't care about Max's exclusive. I'm only going to buy Hikaru's VF-1J and Roy's VF-1S to be in scale with Yamato's 1/100 König Monster. This exclusive tiny little piece of sh it will cost the same as a 1/60 VF-1 Yamato without Fast Packs!!! Easy pass, Yamato's 1/60 v2 VF-1 is the KING. It sucks for the people that wanted a small affordable VF-1 collection.
  12. Another one that makes it to the buy list
  13. Looks fantastic!!! You've done great justice to one of my favorite PG.
  14. Get Hikaru's DYRL? VF-1S Strike first (the aniversary reissue with flashlight has the corrected shoulders)!!! I would then get Roy's VF-1S Low Viz (it's getting harder to find, it's sold out at many places). If money is not an issue, get them all
  15. If I had to choose I prefer having the physical representation in toy form of my favorite mecha. Games are nice but not enough for me.
  16. Absolutely brilliant!!!
  17. Those pics are incredible!!!
  18. The problem is that it's still a prototype, and prototypes are usually larger than the final scaled down version. The Queadluun-Rau prototype was gigantic compared to the released toy!! I'm getting the HDP kit and if Yamato decides to release it as a toy I will get it too
  19. I'm getting this Regult for sure, so I'll be some $$$'s poorer
  20. Congrats, your VF-19A is a piece of art!!!
  21. It seems the 1/3000 has retained most of the surface details!!! I'm so getting it
  22. My 27 is still doing fine!!
  23. The scheme you chose is looking really awesome!!!
  24. Verdaderas obras maestras!!! Quedaron muy buenas, felicitaciones Ruben!!!
  25. You'll have a great time unpacking!!!! Post lots of pics
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