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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Yes!!!! Finally it lives
  2. As others have said, free them both!!! YF-21/VF-22 are to good to be left boxed.
  3. I'm worried cause I think Macross will slowly start to fade away We really need the original SDF Macross reanimated pachinko game style!!! It's sad cause I started buying Gundam Master Grades
  4. Indeed hehehe!!
  5. It's only for packages sent to USA, not for the rest of the world. It doesn't affect me Don't worry there's plenty more options/companies to get toys shipped from Japan.
  6. Come on guys we're almost there!!!! Four more guys needed right?
  7. I have the same problem I applied a small amount on the peg of the canopy from the type of glue/adhesive used for rubber, leather, cork. It's basically rubber cement (the one that has toluene). It's completely reversible. You only have to apply a drop on the peg and another on the hole where the peg makes contact.
  8. I'm in the same boat, I don't care about the sound boosters. I just want the valk.
  9. Great work, you took this gerwalk conversion to a higher level of awesomeness!!!!
  10. No repaint for me. I like DYRL? better But I'd consider buying the Prometheus and Daedalus (In Macross The First manga, the DYRL? style SDF has both ships as arms instead of the ARMD's).
  11. Thanks MJ it's greatly appreciated!!! Serves me for reference I'm planning to post an update tomorrow.
  12. Where can I preorder?? Not my favorite but it looks like it's going to be a great toy. It has all my support. I'd really like a YF-19 v2
  13. From the options given I have: 1/60 v2 DYRL? complete + VF-1S Low Viz + Weathered VF-1S. 1/60 v2 SDFM missing Max, Millia and Roy VF-1S. 1/60 Mac Plus complete. 1/60 Mac Zero complete. 1/60 Bandai MF only have Brera's VF-27.
  14. Awesome project and great start!!!
  15. Excellent progress!!! +1 for Misa
  16. Count me in for the six installments As Carl said, this is also going to be the holy grail of collection!!!
  17. Talk about sudden change and mass hysteria!!!!
  18. How is this project coming along? It's looking very good so far.
  19. Sanding, sanding and more sanding!!! I use light/shade and paper patterns to check the shape of the parts and sand, sculpt, resculpt as needed. When satisfied with the shape of the parts I'll start detailing them and smoothing them with fine sand paper.
  20. Little update!! I've sculpted the lower body where the limbs connect: Pic 1: I applied clear tape under the main body/shell and sculpted the lower body according to the painted patterns. Pic 2: The clear tape serves two purposes. First, I can see the pattern, this allows me to sculpt the lower body to the desired proportions and get a nice match between the two parts. Then after the new part hardened, it doesn't bond to the main body and I can separate it. (If there's another or better method it'd be good to hear about it ) Pic 3: Both parts separated.
  21. I'll make it as poseable as possible. Some parts are going to be hollow to reduce weight. I'm planning where and how, body and forearm/claws are a given. I've used Hobby Base clear ball joints for my 1/144 DYRL? Nousjadeul Ger and they work fine. I'm taking the ball joints into account while building the Iiga.
  22. I'm in
  23. I'm scared with the thought of Hikaru resting along bluey!!!
  24. I've already done all the schematics for the Gosu I'm planning to finish the Iigaa this month. The Gosu is next (after polishing and improving my skills)!!! Remember it's my first time scratchbuilding a kit. I do have a lot of experience working with resin since I repair my own surfboards so it should help a little (although it's diferent form scratbuilding hehehe!) I'm also very good at drawing so I have a trained critical eye when it comes to analysing proportions, details. I'm a scale/proportion/detail nazi this means I'll rework any piece as many times as necessary until I'm happy and you all are happy!!! Feel free to make any suggestions/critics, they're highly welcommed.
  25. That's what I'm planning All the parts are at a rough stage now, I'm testing the proportions. The leg claw is finished, Im happy with the proportions of it. I've done more progress today so I should be posting more pics in a day or two!!
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