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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Who voted Kakizaki??? I voted Hikaru, not an ace, but a very good pilot. A good leader who always gets the job done. And he also gets Misa!!!
  2. I would have waited with your SAL order. I'm in South America and it takes more than a month to get SAL packages!! EMS takes usually takes 1/2 weeks. Don't worry you should get your orders. Never had an issue with HLJ. Thank god my wife was in Hong Kong when the 1/3000 hit the streets, she brought it as a present in no time
  3. Thank you for your hard and invaluable work!!!
  4. Thanks for your answer John. Wow!!! I imagine all the precision and hard work needed to reach the most complicated parts!
  5. Yes, 1/48 TV Kakizaki was a Macross Chronicle exclusive like Max.
  6. Get CM's Legioss/Tread set. It's a great toy, if you don't mind smaller chest/intakes and longer nosecone when compared against the lineart. John's kit will blow all current legioss representations out of the water!!!
  7. Posting a picture of ourselves holding the copy is proof enough that we bought it? It's a shame I can't read/speak Japanese cause I would 100% enjoy all of my Macross books. I speak Spanish (native language), English, German and Portuguese, so I can't be accused of showing lack of interest in studying foreign languages. But I have not enough time to start with Japanese I always support buying originals, damn, I may be the only idiot that still buys CD's and vinyls.
  8. This is clearly "TOY OF THE YEAR"!!! I'm handling mine and am drowning in a pool of drool. I respectfully disagre with the folks that complain that it looks plain or that the city should come painted, the level of surface detail is beyond awesome!!! For the in doubt fans, don't deprive yourselves from an excellent toy!!! For the fans that prefer the TV version, I wish Yamato ventures into it. [/sarcasm mode on] P.S: for the haters out there, I'll shut my mouth and stop with the praising, when the arms spontaneously self destruct!!! [/sarcasm mode off]
  9. John, one question! I'm looking at the first picture you posted where the masters are glued to the acrylic base. What technique do you use to create the silicone molds? It seems you don't use clay to make a two parts mold (fill one half first, demold, fill the other half)??? How do you extract the masters from the silicone? Inquiring minds want to know Happy new year!!!!
  10. Mmmm mmm excellent!!!
  11. Canopy: when you open it, you can also slide it out at the joint and it should stay open just fine. Chest plate: are you sliding the front fuselage/chestplate all the way down? When you do so, it should lock! I'll post some pics later Hope you enjoy this toy, it's one of my favorites, if not the favorite!!!
  12. Looks awesome to me!!!
  13. That sucks!!! I have two Max VF-22's with no QC issues at all. Got my second Max last week cause I couldn't resist HLJ sale
  14. You sould get Max's VF-22S, great valk. no Qc issues and a very good paint scheme
  15. Received Max 22S, cockpit section slides all the way down, the canopy stays up just fine. No QC issues so far.
  16. Mixed feelings about this design, still don't know if I like it
  17. Amazing updates John!!! I really should get three instead the one I'm getting
  18. Hehehe!!! Don't worry it's still alive and kicking, I have a mayor update planned for this week. It's just that I've been really busy. The Gosu will also see the light of day
  19. I'm getting Captain America's incredible 1/32 Legioss/Alpha first installment I'm also getting Max's 1/60 VF-22.
  20. Amen brother!!!! We were so close to getting Fuke
  21. My VF-27 is already suffering from joint atrophy I have to check, but what if bandai is using some kind of rubber/plastic inside the ball sockets that turns very hard after a couple months loosing it's friction properties?
  22. First payment sent Now the waiting game begins...
  23. This is going to be unbelievable awesome. Thank you John for bringing this project to life again. A dream come true!!!
  24. Got me a second Max 1/60 VF-22.
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