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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Second installment received!!! Two down, 4 to go
  2. Looking great!!! Some of the pics from the photozoomer show the production version, and it looks tight!!
  3. Hope it gets produced sometime though...
  4. Today it would be: 66,000.00 JPY = 788.391 USD If the price is right, that's double what the Regult goes for...
  5. Wow, totally unexpected!!!! I'm in like I was for the HDP Regult
  6. In Argentina, the government has recently passed a law prohibiting and discontinuing incandescent light bulbs. Like big F said, once they're gone, they're gone for good. We are slowly changing to LED/neon/CFL. I've changed all the lights in my house and I'm paying less than half for electricity.
  7. It's between $130-$180 on ebay. The v2 VE-1 is reaching $400 Thank god and my wallet that I always preorder what I want.
  8. Can't wait for the inevitable awesome updates!!
  9. This one too: Transformable Experten resin kit
  10. You're off to a great start!! You are going to reinforce it with resin?
  11. How's this awesome project coming along? Have you been able to make more progress?
  12. Looks pretty good to me.
  13. I finally received "Part I". One down, five to go As others said, this kit is going to be pretty massive!!!
  14. No problem, will do when I get back home. By the way, the 1/32 legioss will be massive!!!
  15. Today was a great day!!!! Received EXO's 1/10 saddlebags (a great quality product, perfect complement for the bikes!!), Captain America's first installment of the 1/32 Legioss (one word: epic!!!) and CM'S Dark Pilotless Legioss from a Hong Kong seller (ebay "buy it now option" for only U$S69,99 + shipping). :)
  16. Yes, you have regular VF-1S Max and a limited weathered version too.
  17. I still have to receive the first installment It takes 4/6 weeks to South America, I guess it has to arrive this week (hope I'll be safe and sound too!!).
  18. That gap is unavoidable because the nosecone has a wider curvature than the chestplate/back fuselage. the smaller chstplate will never match the shape/curvature of the nosecone It's not a dealbreaker for me (I guess it won't be for you either!). This VF, although not my favorite, is going to be a great toy.
  19. Wow, I'm speechless. It truly is a work of art!!! Congrats on your hard work, it really paid off!!! Now my bare, unpainted, unmodified 1/3000 SDF-1 looks like crap
  20. If I had to keep only one, it would be Hikaru's v.2 1/60 DYRL? VF-1S Strike.
  21. That YF-24/25 is a 1/72 model kit A version 2 DX should have better landing gears.
  22. It's kinda starting to grow on me
  23. Say no to *!! We have to shout it loud and clear: YOU! DUMB! S H I T!!!
  24. Wow, you're insane!!!! In a good sense of course.
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