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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Wow looking very nice!!! We definitely need more pics!!!
  2. Late to the party but they've finally arrived!!! Strike Parts from AE (waiting since April 2020). Focker and the missiles shipped from AmiAmi.
  3. Happy with how this project is turning out. The torso is now primered too. Will wetsand everything when finished.
  4. It really makes a huge difference painting Houquet!!!
  5. Making some more progress with my Zentran soldier.
  6. It's a great start!!!
  7. Gone, but there's another one: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1156275457&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  8. Coo3 works as a designer for T-Rex.
  9. Same here!! I'll have to pay scalper prices later
  10. Making some progress with my 1/60 zentran soldier. Decided to add articulation to the chest/torso. I'm happy with the sculpt/proportions from the torso and chest/head/shoulder/back armor. I just have to scribe some details to those parts. Also a couple pics showing the leg, crotch armor and one foot
  11. Never noticed that mistake in that scene!! And I've lost count how many times I've watched DYRL? Shame on me.
  12. Exactly what I paid early December to ship my Strike Parts from AE through DHL to US. Arrived in 2 days!!
  13. Congrats spanner!!! Now that you secured a DX Focker call your credit card and make NY refund you.
  14. You can use a Tenso address and then ship it to Australia.
  15. A friend of mine asked NY for a refund two weeks before the release (he secured another Focker DX at AE). He told them he would open a dispute through paypal and he finally got the refund.
  16. AmiAmi finally shipped my Focker and a DX missile set I combined with my order!!!
  17. First youtube unboxing/review I could find.
  18. I'm still waiting for AmiAmi, I have a missile set combined with my Roy preorder.
  19. Waiting for AmiAmi to process my order.
  20. Caved in and ordered a used missile set through AmiAmi (item A Box B), 6900 Yen. Combined it with my Focker 1S DX preorder.
  21. AE finally requested shipping! Y3990 to ship my SSP to US.
  22. Not yet Noel I contacted AE yesterday. My order of the SSP is still showing "our staff is packing your order as we speak". I'll give them a couple more days (I waited more than a year so a couple more days won't hurt) I'm sending my order to Miami so they should charge me more or less the same as your order. It's Friday 8:56 AM Japan time as I'm typing this reply, so they still have a business day.
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