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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. They'd think: "we're a big pile of poo if we don't get the Mospeada license and pay this sculptor an olimpic pool filled with $$$ to get this masterpiece"!!!!!
  2. Those joints are unbelievable awesome. John's Legioss undoubtedly deserves the title of "Masterpiece"!!!!!
  3. Wow I'm speechless, the level of detail is really awesome!! Already saved and printed
  4. It's looking better with each new picture!!!
  5. Great news!!!! Nice to see new pics with the instructions.
  6. Yeah!! Looking really awesome!!!!
  7. Wow, looks great!!! Thanks for sharing.
  8. You'd play at a punk rock gig with that????
  9. Let there be more Macross The First please!!!!
  10. What's the problem? Some accesory missing form the tray? Basara is in the cockpit..
  11. Arnold is still the greatest!!! Period.
  12. May I introduce a little correction? It's 5 destroids
  13. Add me to the list of a complete detroid line.
  14. I thought we were past that phase, aren't we all adult grown ups?? :lol: I know, I know, every toy has it's vader hands
  15. They look good enough to me. I don't know why there's already complaints about this. If it was a visor with depth like the VF-1S then yes it should be translucent. But with two small eyes there's not that much detail to be seen behind them.
  16. I'd prefer Yamato started with the D, I like it more than the S. But I'm sure we'll get both, and I'm positively sure I'll get two of each
  17. Thanks for the new pics!! It's really looking great.
  18. Well, HLJ finally shipped my order One and a half week, it never took them that long.
  19. One week and it's still being processed for shipping
  20. De nada Mog!!! It's great to see your Max has the correct hands
  21. Show off!!!! I would have gotten 3 too, but my wife would have killed me!! Almost all my extra money goes to our new house... If there's a second run I'll get another.
  22. This Legioss will shine in any mode, which one should I build??? Decisions, decisions!!! I'll try to build it and modify it in a way to carefully change modes once in a while. Let's say once a year? To show armo-soldier, armo-fighter and armo-diver
  23. Now more than ever Yamato must do a 1/60 YF-19 version 2!!!! Especially after their staff compared both toys. As a toy (not design), the VF-19 is infinitely better than the YF-19.
  24. Wow, don't want to get my hopes that high up but this is interesting news...
  25. From the pics I see Basara's guitar is not correctly scaled, it's too thick and short. Piece of crap, not gonna buy this VF-19!! Maybe we're given two pilots for this release? Not confirmed nor denied, so it's still possible.
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