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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. What an awesome second post for a newbie A very professional paintjob!!! Right click, save all.
  2. Please don't tell me those are actual characters from a robotech comic!!! It's a joke right all photoshoped?
  3. You beat me to it I was about to put him a the top of my list, and not because I'm Argentinean too One of my all time favorites is another Argentinean artist: Juan Zanotto (his mechanical designs and hardware are top notch!!!). Both of them have published numerous works in European comic magazines (mostly in France, Spain and Italy). My first name is Juan by the way, what a coincidence!!
  4. I've seen sentinels once, and I didn't notice that abomination
  5. While they're at it, they could also do the VF-3000 Crusader from M3
  6. Thanks you for the pics!! I guess I should be careful with the forward and back rotation. I see the VF-19 can achieve a wide a-stance but the lower legs can't bend much more than 90 degrees at the ankles right?
  7. The YFZ-21 looks Kawamori-ish Awesome designs!!! Would like to see more.
  8. Would appreciate if somebody could post some pics showing how far the ankles can be posed in gerwalk mode. I like aggresive and wide a-stance gerwalk poses so I would like to know how good the VF-19 poses before any damage is done. I'm getting the VF-19 by the end of this month and don't want to stress the ankle joints!!
  9. Wow, they took dioramas to another whole new level!!!! Thanks for posting it.
  10. That scheme for a brownie is great!! Remember to post pics of your custom
  11. One can dream right?
  12. +1 Don't want my VF-17's to be shiny birds.
  13. That was really fast!!! I got owned, should've preordered
  14. Received my set and it's awesome!!!! Very little clean up was needed, now I have to paint them
  15. Looking very good so far!!!
  16. Always wanted to ask the same. By the way, jaw dropping custom!!!
  17. That!! +1 The end of the review is great: "it's a crap toy". Talk about having high standards!!!
  18. Looking great!! You should post a how to for the people that want to mod theirs
  19. Just as awesome as the other Nousjadeul Ger you posted before!!! Thanks.
  20. The 1/60 YF-21 is a great toy!!! There's really no need to revise it Go ahead and get it!!!
  21. Yes, the only pic we have so far!! Someone should access Graham's phone, he said he has tons of nice pics
  22. Wow, that's an awesome scheme!!! Excellent work, looks very profesional.
  23. Can't believe there's no new prototype pics yet!!! I have model graphix, dengeki hobby and hobby japan november/december magazines on preorder, anticipating any new article Yamato might publish
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