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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Wow on the wows!! You paintjob is giving the Galactica an incredible sense of scale and making it bigger. Absolutely beautiful.
  2. I'm sure it will look awesome when finished!! As Fatalist said, have fun building it!!!
  3. It looks great!!! And the VT-1 is one of my favorite VF.
  4. Wow, thanks for the scans Graham!!!
  5. Graham, it's the January magazine right? I'll have to wait 2/3 weeks to receive it.
  6. Yes, I'm from Argentina land of the Tango
  7. Brilliant work Dobber, it turned out beautiful!!!
  8. Best custom VF-11 ever!!!
  9. I hope the joints retain tightness over time.
  10. Thanks for the pics!! The VF-17 can't hit the streets soon enough. It's going to be mid or late January until I get it delivered to Argentina
  11. Overdrive stopped accepting orders for replacements ages ago, I'm sorry!! If you got yours through HLJ you can shoot them an email and try.
  12. I think jenius was being sarcastic, taking into consideration that all we do is complain and ask for new versions.
  13. Wow electric indigo, your Galactica is looking all kinds of awesome!!!
  14. Yes, Low Viz 1/60 VF-1's, YF-21/VF-22, YF-19 v3/VF-19's, VF-17's are a must!!!
  15. I'm on the same boat!!
  16. Hope your mother recovers and gets well soon!!!
  17. I'm attaching a quick sketch I made illustrating what Reïvaj is saying about the front section being fatter than the rear section. I'm just trying to show that the curve of the chestplate is thinner than the section of the nosecone where both pieces meet. I guess yamato played a little bit with the proportions but tried not to ruin fighter mode. Bandai's VF-19 front fuselage and the section behind the cockpit are wrongly shaped.
  18. I'll start building it as soon as I receive the last installment
  19. Wow, looking really awesome!!!
  20. The metric system is the future!! Come on repeat with me: 10 millimeters (mm) = 1 centimeter (cm). 100 centimeter = 1 meter (m). 1000 meter (m) = 1 kilometer (km) See? Very easy. :lol:
  21. Thanks!! I was getting really mad, just like with those games where you have to spot the difference.
  22. I must be blind, where's the toilet paper? I'm serious.
  23. But your 1/60 SV-51 in splinter camo is on another whole level!!! If I owned it, it would instantly go to Nº 1
  24. Hehehe, I'm no jedi. The unmeasurable amount of awesomeness of the yamato VF-17 alone, provokes an instant desire to pre order it but just looking at the pics. The lack of interest in clicking the preorder button means there's something wrong happening with your eyes!! :lol:
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