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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I'd rather have only the main bridge. Since this part of the bridge is much smaller it could be done in 1/60 to pose Hikaru's 1/60 VF-1S Strike saluting Misa Pic courtesy of Macross Mecha Manual.
  2. Hahahaha!!! You're mean, but the comparison is very funny
  3. Make sure you'll never ever let it go!!
  4. The Elintseekers are with their owners!
  5. I don't have the Blazer yet but when I tried to bend the ankles like that on my Fire Valk they went completely loose. Your pic shows exactly how I want to bend the legs!!
  6. I'll do that the moment I start losing the story by just looking at the pictures!! Thanks you!!
  7. Is it going to be a WTF moment for us non Japanese readers? I'm buying and following the volumes, but what I'm trying to ask is if the drawings are self-explanatory.
  8. I'll try to explain it with my limited english We, gerwalk fans are not complaining about the A-stance of the VF-19, it's the LIMITED "back" and "forward" ankle movement which prevents the lower leg to be posed at a much more lower angle. All the other yamato VF's with ratcheted ankles have a lot more forward and back posing. I've done a quick drawing showing what mommar, chronocidal and me, are trying to express. The A-stance and lower nose are great, but we can't bend the legs at a lower angle -at the ankles- pushing the center of gravity to the back. We pushed the ankles farther to achieve the stance of the first drawing and stressed the ankles. If it makes any sense, we'd like the legs to be more oblique, having the axis not so perpendicular to the base. And no, we don't want to go back to stiff legs in parallel gerwalk. Don't get me wrong, the VF-19 is an awesome toy but it lacks a little when posed in gerwalk mode (it's another story if you use a stand showing it flying in gerwalk mode).
  9. Very bad choice of plastic. Extremely brittle. Checked my two VF-0A's and my VF-0S and they're all fine. Time will tel if they'll suffer the same fate
  10. Same as Reïvaj, in 1986 through Robotech in Argentina, but different city: Mar del Plata
  11. Who needs world peace if we can have a ver3 YF-19???
  12. Wow, beautiful pics!!! The modex number on the nosecone is a nice touch and looks very good.
  13. Well I know for sure that I wont get it delivered to South America until at least the 15th of January
  14. There are some areas that would benefit with a renewal version. The placement of the hips in battroid mode first, and second, the forward bend of the knees for gerwalk mode.
  15. Front and back pivoting is crucial for gerwalk!!
  16. +1 I also like the S type head better than the D one.
  17. I'm among those few that don't like the the new VF-19 gerwalk mode. I'm at my office so I don't have my VF-19 nor the YF-19 so I'm posting this pic from the net: The leg bends "back" at a lower angle due to more forward/back movement at the ankles. It's a much more extreme and aggressive stance, better than the new VF-19 can reach. Fighter and battroid mode of the new 1/60 VF-19 are top notch but gerwalk mode is a step back due to the poor back and forward movement at the ankles. I wish Yamato goes back to ratcheted ankles for the possible YF-19 ver 3 since it is my favorite from the 19 series.
  18. I'll do the same and hope for a bundle!!
  19. Excellent short!!
  20. The armor looks great in splinter camo!!! can't wait to see it completely finished.
  21. It's time to rewatch SDF Macross for me
  22. I have the same problem, too much time between episodes. I've just watched the new one, but tomorrow I'll start all over again. It's going to be 1-4 all in a row.
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