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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Very impressive!!!! The size against the VF-1A is how a Regult should look like.
  2. Impresionante Ruben, mis felicitaciones!!!!
  3. Just sit back, wait, and see the fury unleashed!!!
  4. What a beauty!!! And absolutely huge!!
  5. I'm getting really anxious with this release. The VF-4 is one of my favorite macross mecha. There's not enough pics!!! Someone must assault Yamato's HQ!!!
  6. The regult is looking great!! I'll try to start mine this weekend (thanks to EXO for helping me to get another one ). I still can't decide which scheme I'll do, TV or DYRL??. I'll build my second regult but won't paint it. It will stay low viz grey.
  7. That'd be great!!! Thank you!!
  8. +1
  9. Great news!!! Hope it's official. I'm in with the QF-3000E Ghost, not so sure with the SF-3A Lancer II.
  10. It's looking awesome!!! Great scheme, suits the VF-1A very well.
  11. Click my signature The site is from Macrossworld member Mr. March!!! Awesome site by the way
  12. Very satisfied with the CAD images. A couple places here and there differ from the lineart, but the overall proportions are quite good.
  13. It's awesome man!!! I don't like how the stars turned out. Smaller, and in clusters as grapetang suggested would probably do the trick. There's also something off with the Megaroad, it does not blend well (the shading makes it look out of focus, maybe you were going for that effect?). Just constructive criticism Other than that it's perfect.
  14. +1
  15. Get it!!! I'm not justifying the cracked shoulders issue, but in many cases it's not that both arms will inevitably fall off, but rather develop cracks and stop there. Taking out the knurled pins and shaving off the knurled end is enough.
  16. EXO helped me getting a second one (it's on it's way to me)!! it's so cool I'll build and paint one and leave the other as it was a prototype.
  17. Been waiting for the VF-1A DYRL? Cannon Fodder too!!! I also like the DYRL? 1A head too. And I can't display my CF's in battroid mode with my DYRL? valks.
  18. Get CM's gang
  19. Yeah, every time I read "old crotch" I wonder WTF are we talking about???
  20. Don't even mention that As soon as I receive my second Regult I'll start building it.
  21. Believe me, I own all of the CM'S Legioss releases and allow me to correct you, the plastic quality and construction are very good. CM's legios lacks pegs to keep it together in fighter mode, but other than that (lineart deviation liberties aside) it's a fantastic toy. Can't say the same of the toynami legioss.
  22. I'm still kicking myself for letting this two pass!! I always preorder when buying macross toys but decided to wait with the M&M. I'm suffering that decision now.
  23. I sincerely hope you are wrong
  24. You've nailed it!!! Excellent work.
  25. Great progress so far Jason!!! One can appreciate all the hard work and planning done during R&D!!!
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