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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Awesome news!!! Thanks John!
  2. This the renewal I want, hope it won't be a nightmare to preorder it.
  3. Thank you for this awesome update!!!
  4. Thanks for the scan!!! The nose and the added details are looking absolutely perfect.
  5. +1 My SDF seems a knock off compared to William's masterpiece.
  6. It's looking great, nice progress so far!!!
  7. Wow, I'm speechless!!!
  8. Great start so far!! I'll throw you a challenge: are you going to putty the seam lines?
  9. Never, nunca, niemals, jamais?
  10. 5 bidders already and still more than two days. They should wait for the last minute. Good for seller though
  11. The auction ends in two and a half days and there's already two bids. Glad I bought two when it was released.
  12. Right click, save, right click, save!!! We're almost there!!! Thanks Jean for making it possible
  13. Again, I'd kill for a Metal Composite Zaku!!!
  14. Great project!!! It's coming along very nice.
  15. Great Minmei Guard VF-0S custom, thanks for posting it.
  16. It's still a painted white valk full of scratches but great to see this scheme from different angles. I wonder how the final VF-1A Cavaliers will look like. Thanks for the link.
  17. Yes, there should be no problem at all, Yamato's last Macross offerings are top notch products with great QC!
  18. My fault I got carried away with the upper pic of the scan. And yes, I'd kill for pictures of an actual prototype of the VF-4!!!
  19. Not confirmed, I bought an extra Defender just in case the Kit was the upper half of the destroid There's plenty of Defenders in ebay for U$S49,99. If the Phalanx kit turns out to be only the upper torso/head/missile launchers, be prepared to pay big $$$ for the remaining Defenders.
  20. Thanks for the clarification! Have an extra Defender set aside for this kit.
  21. Thanks for the scan!!! Could it be the body from the 1/60 (not yet released) Destroid Phalanx (upper pic)? Someone who reads Japanese would be kind enough to translate?
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