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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I'm using Firefox, thanks for this tip!!!!
  2. That's really bad then I'm sorry for your VF-19S. I hope it's not a case of bad choice of materials (brittle plastic).
  3. The 1/72 VF-1D deserves to be finished!!! Great start so far!!
  4. Do you transform your VF-19S often? The joints on the VF-19 series are very stiff. It was reported (it happened to Jenius and Renato) that you could break the nub from the accordeon joint behind the intakes if you forced it. I'm not saying that you're not gentle with your toys but I'd like to know if you transform it many times and if you had to force the joint.
  5. Yes, but I keep hitting F5 in case they reopen the preorder (i'm doing the same with HLJ where the preorder is a place holder for the time being)
  6. +1 Shin's blue VF0D and a CF VF-0D
  7. Yeah, me too. I was refreshing HLJ's page and it went from not being listed to listed with order stop!!! I know it's a place holder but it's just plain retarded. Bandai's sales strategy for the renewals is RIDICULOUS!!!! It has nothing to do with the rest of the world not being their macross target, I have three Japanese friends and none of them could secure a unit. Bandai could've been cautious with Alto's renewal in order to not produce a large overstock but after the great sales they did the same for Ozma, the YF-29 re release and now the VF-25G!!!! They're losing actual sales.
  8. Look at the left foot of that VF-1J GBP!!!! I can't even look at it. Scary
  9. Ignacio Ocamica

    DX VF-25G

    When listed it's supposed to appear at the top of this page http://www.hlj.com/s...eleaseDate+desc
  10. Awesome looking customs. Like the orange better.
  11. How did I miss thread?? Thanks for the links!!
  12. Arghh!!!! Missed it again. I'm so temted to order a second VF-1A Cavaliers or a third VF-1A DYRL? CF
  13. Ignacio Ocamica

    DX VF-25G

    I'll wait for HLJ too. Imagine all the rage if Yamato had the same sales strategy as Bandai with the renewals.
  14. Thank you, but as Rabidweezil said nippon-yasan jacked up the price! I'll wait for HLJ.
  15. Do you have to pay for the nippon-yasan preorders?
  16. The demand is there, WTF Bandai!!!! Hope I can preorder it at HLJ
  17. Now this one I'll try to preorder. Will be my first renewal if Bandai allows me to get one
  18. You're off to a great start!!
  19. This
  20. Great custom!!!
  21. Thanks for the link. There's a lot of great custom schemes.
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