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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Yes, saw the other thread where you posted the box! I have the first release with white visor and the GBP armor bundle (with grey visor). I can't justify getting a third one just for the extra parts.
  2. Classic valk, classic shot!!! Did you get the grey goggle ver.?
  3. What a beauty, December can't come soon enough!!!
  4. Thanks for the link!! Experten makes the coolest mecha from macross. Wish Yamato followed all the experten releases, VF-3000, DYRL? Nousjadeul Ger, DYRL? Zentran soldier, VF-11C Armor, and the list goes on.
  5. I don't like the head either, but this one's going to stay in fighter/gerwalk, so I'll preorder it
  6. Argh, false alarm!!!
  7. Yes, I guess there's not enough interested fans in Britai
  8. Well, in my case, I'm judging bandai . I ordered from ishop2go before, (four times actually) and they always came through, but recently there's been some members that got screwed. I don't trust bandai, there is a possibility (we don't know for sure, I'm just giving an example) that nippon yasan ordered 200 VF-25G's wholesale from bandai, payed for them and then they only get 20. Last time ishop2go was the only retailer that kept taking preorders, now it's nippon-yasan!! I really wish that all the members that have a preorder (some have already payed) with nippon yasan, end up getting their VF-25G's. I know I'm being pessimist but nippon yasan was the only retailer that had a pre-order window open for such a long time.
  9. Same here. If ami ami, one of the biggest e-tailers in Japan had such a short pre-order window, I find it hard to believe that nippon-yasan will be able to fill all of the preorders. That's why I'm waiting for HLJ.
  10. Your not the only one, it looks great in battroid mode (the sculpt and proportion wise).
  11. Ten minutes and it's sold out again!!! Couldn't get one
  12. Great idea!!! Will have to get a couple sets when you make them available.
  13. Hope you are right and it's not because Yamato has not received enough wholesale preorders from the different vendors. I have preordered two and I sincerely hope Yamato delivers this scheme. I also wish this scheme won't be a shelf warmer. It's probably wishful thinking but I'd like to see v2 Enigma, Moon Shooters, Minmay Guard and other non cannon schemes.
  14. It's better lengthy post for WIP's. The more detailed, the way you share your experience, the better.
  15. I've just preordered a second one!!
  16. Yes, still nothing!!
  17. Sold out again!! I was late.
  18. Ignacio Ocamica

    DX VF-25G

    Nothing from HLJ yet, it's going to be a long night again.
  19. Awesome F-16's, wish I had half your talent to build such beatiful kits!!!
  20. Ignacio Ocamica

    DX VF-25G

    My wife is already pissed cause I keep constantly checking the computer. I leave the computer on during the night, and I constantly wake up to check if HLJ's preorder started.
  21. Same here But I'm a couple of days away from losing my patience and pre-ordering a second 1/60 VF-1A Cavaliers or/and the third 1/60 VF-1A CF DYRL? type. Bandai does not want my money.
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