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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. It won't be cheap but it wil be totally worth it!!!
  2. +1 I just bought the GFFMC Unicorn Prism Coating ver two days ago, so I'll finally own this great Metal Composite. The Banshee should be a given.
  3. Yes, ready to hit the preorder button!! Which vendor is going to offer it for us non Japan residents??
  4. Need to get that attachment for the shield now!!!!
  5. Nippon Yasan, they have the VF-171 ($206,73) and the armor ($72,42). Link: http://www.nippon-ya...ch_query=VF-171
  6. Shoot them an email regarding your VF-22, there's plenty stock of it out there, unlike the VF-171. There's a good chance they can get you the missing/broken parts or even a new one.
  7. What happened to the right head laser?? It's missing paint in the battroid pics.
  8. Ozma's VF-25S is the only Mac Frontier renewal I got (retail at HLJ). Could not secure an armor pack for. I'm hoping for a re release, bundled with the armor. If I had an extra, I would have traded it with you. The armor alone is comanding a price between $150 and $200 on ebay, and Ozma is being offered between $310 and $600. it's just crazy.
  9. Beautiful paintwork on that Cylon Raider!!! Turned out great.
  10. Awesome collection there!!! Very well organized!!! Can't find the Macross Gold Book, can't believe you're missing that one!
  11. I'm trying to change my open orders to "ship when available" but nothing happens after submitting the changes.
  12. I can post pics of the Beagle cyclone, Stick or Rei as you wish. Give me until tomorrow and I'll provide you with front, side and rear pics.
  13. I'll say it again, we all have transformable wallets: With every macross release they have the ability to transform into empty ones.
  14. Yes, the site is running, but there are a lot of broken links when you try to search for some products.
  15. Ignacio Ocamica

    DX VF-25G

    Awesome pics of HLJ's warehouse, thanks for sharing!!!!
  16. Welcome to the club!!!
  17. Ignacio Ocamica

    DX VF-25G

    Yes, be back soon sticky!! Did not get the chance to see the new look.
  18. That's all levels of awesome!!!
  19. I'm definitely in for the purple 1/32 accessory for the captain's beast
  20. Some of us bought all the 1/60 VF-1 ver 1, then the 1/48 Vf-1 and now the 1/60 VF-1 ver 2 Bandai 1/55 were an easy pass for me. I never considered the tonami VF-1 cause it's an atrocity.
  21. A ver 2 Köenig Monster is a great idea but it won't happen Now the 1/60 YF-19 ver 2 is almost a given.
  22. I want one!!! It'd be great if it was 1/60 but I guess 1/72 will do.
  23. Hikaru's VF-1D (reposting an old pic cause the VF-1D does not get enough love)
  24. No weird politics involved regarding your question, it's just that we're a bunch of trigger happy fans waiting to hit the panic button No matter what we're talking about, there's a high chance it will get blown out of proportion!!!
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