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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Yes, it really is amazing!!!
  2. Received the last installment!!! (was a fast shipping to South America ). As soon as I finish the 1/60 HDP Regult I'll prep the parts and start building this true Masterpiece!!!!
  3. The VF-3000 is my favourite VF. I hope there's a Yamato 1/60 down the line. A 1/60 SW-XA1 Schneeblume would also be nice!!
  4. Last year Graham asked for high resolution scans (that was the best hint that the VF-4 was in Yamato's plans). These are the scans I sent him:
  5. In Kurisama's signature Click here: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/RPG
  6. I had forgotten about the M.E.F. GK Collection anouncement. I'd be great if Yamato released the Spartan or the Cat's Eye from the silhouettes!
  7. VF-3000, VF-5000, VA-C3, SW-XA1, Spartan, MkII Monster, VF-11C Protector Armor, Nousjadeul-Ger (TV and DYRL?), just a few on my wishlist!
  8. Looking awesome!!! It's going to be THE Q-Rau custom!
  9. Two!! You don't want to know the total shipped to South America
  10. I hope he becomes a Macross fan!!! I'm buying multiples of some valks so he can eventually build his own collection
  11. Quick fighter mode pics: And my five months old son who apparently likes the Cavalier
  12. What the man said!!!
  13. Thank you for the best post of the day
  14. About a month and a half ago I asked Nippon-Yasan if they were oing to carry the VF-4 and this is ther response: Hello and thank you for your email! This product will be available in our website but we can't tell you when and the price for the moment. If you have any questions feel free to ask us. Takuya from Nippon-Yasan
  15. Bandai with it's renewal availability crap helped me justify getting two VF-4's Hope Yamato makes more paint schemes, but I'll try to get two just in case it's the only release.
  16. I'm still in for two!!!
  17. You must not resist, this valk is awesome!!!
  18. I guess we can all agree that we all have zillions of 1/60 VF-1 gunpods right? The VF-4 can borrow some. End of the story
  19. Best of luck on your new endeavor!!! Thank you for all the pieces of art you made available to all of us!!! I'm a proud owner of your 1/32 Legioss which will be the centerpiece of my collection when finished!!!
  20. +2 for the Ozma!!!
  21. Ah my eyes!!! My retina is burning!!!! The sun!!!! Protect your valks from direct sunlight Awesome collection by the way I have a couple valks at my office, productivity be damned!!!
  22. I've just received mine from ishop2go, still waiting for the second I got from HLJ!!! This scheme is absolutely awesome!!! Will post pics later. I'm toying with the idea to place the SV-26 sticker on the chestplate (similar placement like the "Enigma" scheme).
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