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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Awesome model!!!
  2. Gamu toys review: http://gamu-toys.inf...f4g/vf4g01.html Still waiting for my VF-4's to arrive!!!
  3. Yes, it reminded me of the Pak Fa when I first saw it.
  4. Thanks for the link, he should be posting battroid pics soon!!!! What a beauty!!
  5. I say VF-19 down.
  6. You're totally right, but I want a renewal VF-27.
  7. I don't like the VF-171 (can't stan the long nose in fughetr), but the armored battroid is growing really fast on me. I gues my 1/60 VF-17's will soon have a cousin.
  8. Preparation in progress from nippon-yasan!!!!
  9. It's just a battroid mock up. It's lacking all the articulation joints. There's still hope!
  10. When I payed for mine, I went to my order history selected creditcard payment and was linked to paypal.
  11. Already paid for mine too!!
  12. What a beauty!!
  13. You've done the ASS-117A a great justice!!! Awesome paintjob, I like the subtle weathering, nicely done!!!
  14. Knowing is half the battle!!! We better start saving right now!
  15. Yes, just in case!!
  16. It's a design from Kawamori for the Experimental variable fighter program for the Character Model magazine. It's not pre-Zero, it's the other way round actually. Kawamori used elements from the SW-XA1 and incorporated them when he designed the VF-0. Macross Compendium: The United Nations Forces presented to every manufacturer the required specifications for SWX (Stealth Wing X), a programme to combine high stealthiness with air combat capabilities exceeding that of the VF-17. The United Nations Forces intended to assign the VF-17 the primary mission of long-range attacks, which would entail the need for a separate variable fighter for air superiority and defense. The SW-XA1 was created as an experimental plane for these required specifications. The VF-1 Valkyrie was chosen as the basis for the SW-XA1 due to the abundance of combat data during actual warfare. This base design was improved to current standards by equipping it with upgraded engines and avionics.
  17. I asked them about a month ago and it took them a week to respond.
  18. If I had to guess, the following quotes could be helpful: You can get your fingers/hands cut/chopped off. With a knife, an axe, a sword, or a sabre. "Finger thing","country of origin","bad taste". In some countries (when they take Islam to an extreme) when you steal something you get your hands cut/amputated. The punishment is preformed with a sword/sabre. Then Tober wrote: And EXO replied: So, we all wanted and still want a Yellow 1/10 VR-041 Beagle right? The VR-041 has two retractable sabres, Tober wakes up in the dark and hears the screaming of the Beagles, and EXO will make the screaming stop... So I believe the guys from T-Rex or EXO or someone else will offer a mod to convert Stick/Rey into Yellow's VR-041. I hope this won't be a Wonderfest exclusive. That's my 0,02 cents.
  19. Well my shipping quote is $170 ($85 each to South America) and only regular air mail, not even EMS!!!
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