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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Don't get me wrong, I love FansToys Sovereign 1.0 but Galvatron and Megatron are like the VF-1 to me. If there's a new improved version I gotta have it. Sculptwise this Sovereign 2.0 is perfect to me.
  2. So fun!!!
  3. If Arcadia still has the VF-11B/C molds, they should try the 11C Armor Parts.
  4. Fuke was so close!!
  5. Quick out of the box pic. Same as the first release.
  6. Tried to rub off some tampo and those god awful stripes with alcohol, but norhing happened!!! Will try wet sanding, but must figure out the correct sandpaper grit to avoid scratching or polishing the plastic.
  7. Sorry your YF-21 head laser arrived bent!! Be careful with: * the ailerons are not glued, they can fall off the wings * some canopies are broken/paint scratched out of the box (two reported cases that I know so far) * there is one reported case of a YF-21 with two right shoulder joints That's all, being the bent head lasers the worst QC ofender.
  8. It actually looks quite nice. Here's a pic of my Yamato 1/60 Regult with the 1/60 Q-Rau (to compare with the Kitzconcept / Q-Rau pic).
  9. Battroid is where this DX shines.
  10. More prototype pics from 2007: http://www.toybotstudios.com/2007/08/toynami-masterpiece-cyclone-scott.html?m=1
  11. Thank God my YF-21 arrived with straight antenna.
  12. AmiAmi requested payment for my Sentinel Yellow Blowsuperior. U$S 167 including DHL shipping.
  13. Hope my YF-21 arrives with no damage from AmiAmi.
  14. enphily posted this video. You can find it on the previous page. I'll share it again:
  15. Another review (3:22 hours live, a while ago).
  16. The other two pics from that article:
  17. From IG: VID-20240620-WA0036.mp4
  18. More YF-21 is always better!!! Keeping my AmiAmi preorder.
  19. It can be propped up/down:
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