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Unknown Target

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Everything posted by Unknown Target

  1. I never saw much more of M7 than the manga that was posted here at Macross World, and the thing I remember most is the...ugh...mechas with faces.
  2. Check these out! The FS source code was released awhile ago but we are just now using it to it's full potential! This is a link to the game's site (now dead), you can get some screenshots of the out-of-the-box game for comparison: www.freespace2.com Here's the thread with SPECULAR HIGHLIGHTING! (shiny ships ): http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~freespace/for...?threadid=16686 And here's something for all you anime dudes...some rudimentary cell shading! http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~freespace/for...?threadid=16893 Last, but not least, the first mega-campaing released for Freespace 2....Inferno. Be afraid, for it is coming for you (this mod is compatable with the specular highlitghting exe, so try it out! ): http://www.3dap.com/hlp/hosted/inferno/ Featuring at least 100 new ships (I don't have the official count, but only ONE SHIP remains from the original FS2), new weapons, new effects, and an awesome story, this campaign will, quite simply, rock. your. world. EDIT: Stay tuned for the upcoming releases of the next two chapters in this campaign! I don't know what the third will be, but I know one will be told from the Special Operations Command viewpoint!
  3. http://mugen.keenspace.com/images/nt_Jul_03.JPG BOOBIES! Srry, couldn't help myself, hehe.
  4. Bleh, one of the reasons I liked SDF-1:Macross was that the whole music bit had a reasonable explanation. I didn't like the later ones because of all the magical singing stuff.... <_<
  5. Why was a song simly used as "culture shock" in SDF-1:Macross, but in all the later ones (*cough*Macross 2 *cough, cough*), it was, like, magical, or something?
  6. sorry, but what's Macross XX?
  7. Well, the way I remember looking at the sequence of events are: Zent pilot halfway bails out. Zent pilot throws a punch at Max. Max deflects punch and grabs the zent's arm, pulling him around a bit. Camera swivles around to a different angle. Max fires a shot from his laser cannon into the zent's face.
  8. It always looked like he shot the zent with his head laser to me...
  9. I've been gone for awhile. Has anyone else managed to make anymore progress with modding Macross VO?
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