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Unknown Target

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Everything posted by Unknown Target

  1. One of the things I like about Macross is that it's upbeat, with out being so optimistic as Star Trek, or annoyingly sad, such as some other shows I've seen. Gundam, however, speaking of which, I think that show has possibly the worst endings of every anime I've ever seen. And not just Gundam. Every single Gundam series and spin-off:D Anyways, I'm glad he lived. If he died, I would have that feeling of being let down, after all, I watched this guy do all of that stuff, and at the end, boom, he's dead, Myung is without a boyfriend, and it leaves off at a place where it shouldn't.
  2. I dunno. The legs look like they're pretty much one piece.
  3. Big. Make these suckers freakinng big.
  4. popped the hand out of my MPC. Still have it sitting on my desk
  5. I'd like some missles. Detachable missles that fit in the tubes. Maybe some opening parts in the armor, to see internal machinery, etc... BTW, where can I find all those destroids you mentioned?
  6. so, it includes NO dubbing (so sue me, I like dubs more than subs <_<)? Any place I could get it off the web? BTW, I have nothing, nothing except K-Mart and Sam Goodey to get anime down here
  7. There's no Best Buy, no Walmart, no Toys R us, and our biggest store is K-Mart. Anyways, when you said the battle scenes were better, do you mean they cleaned them up, or they reanimated them?
  8. only macross toy I have is a Rick MPC, which I got off the official Robotech.com site
  9. Everybody's seen this already, right?
  10. The thing is, where I live, the only place to rent movies is Blockbluster, which only has a bunch of DBZ movies. Also, that probably IS the lowest price, considering Sam Goodey is like the only local place to buy anime.
  11. schweet! Sucker looks like it's been thru some battles!
  12. I just found a M+ DVD in Sam Goodey, and it says it includes new scenes, an alternate ending, etc. I was wondering if it was worth the 30 bucks? I already have episodes 1 + 2, and seen episodes 3 + 4(disc is scratched )
  13. You did? Cool. I didn't like ST too much, at least the main campaign that was bundled. You might be interested to know that there's an FS port project (different from the FS Upgrade project), aiming to bring FS1 to FS2.
  14. Hey, is there a community map for this board?
  15. The Defender. Human-like arms and missle pods are the best EDIT: Whoops, I was thinking of the Spartan Oh, well, Defender still gets my vote on this list. But you should really add the spartan in
  16. Quick reply is a little box at the bottom of the page, where you type in your reply, and hit the reply button. It just removes a couple pages from the loop.
  17. Freespace 2 was completed and released weay back in 1999. However, due to Interplay's stupidity and reluctance to advertise the game, it didn't sell well, and was cancelled. Years later, after continued community support, VOLITION (the game's developers) released the source, not Interplay. Also, you can download an incomplete version of Freespace 2 off of Home of the Underdogs (a link is available on the front page of one of the main community sites, hard light productions, www.3dap.com/hlp). Also, the Wing Commander TC is called Battlegroup Serpent. The demo will be released in about a month, I think. I did some voice-acting for it
  18. The one thing I'd change about it are the legs. If the upper body is designed like that, I think the legs should be humanoid, not inverted.
  19. Just download the exe + (maybe) the new launcher, unzip the textures to your /data/maps directory, and the exe + launcher to your FS2 root directory, and play Be warned, tho, it doesn't work for EVERYBODY yet EDIT: here's the direct link to the exe + the textures (one zip file): http://freespace.volitionwatch.com/blackwa.../fs2_open_s.zip
  20. ah, ok. Anyways, check out that thread I posted, about specular highlighting, makes the game look 10000000X better. Here's some preview screenies: and my favorite...
  21. Me 2. Anyways, I managed to open the model files, make changes, improve the crappy old cockpit (couldn't get the animations in-cockpit, don't think the code allows them, but I might have a way to get around that). I was wondering if it was even worth it?
  22. you're probably right, abombz What's in the file? And are you sure you weren't supposed to download something else as well?
  23. highlighting pack? whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis? Oh, yes, forgot to mention, there are also glowmaps available in FS2!
  24. one of the things I like about this board are it's "quick reply" features, could you please add them in?
  25. whoopee...characters standing still, bland storyline, that never seems to end, DBZ-style character interaction, wierd "special attacks"..yaaaaaaaaaaay.... And the mechas...BLEH! There are only three mecha that look cool in that show, and that's the Shining and Burning gundam, and France's gundam without that corny head or "special attack".
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