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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Your right, I think we'll have to wait for Bandai's VF100 VF-1s , if they can pull off their engineering with it
  2. This is disturbing, because of the thickness of the canopy Hikaru and Minmay are literally crush from the inside the human figures are really deformed. Like always, still I'm really into the mecha's engineering. I think Yamato should consider Bandai's tech on making smaller plastic parts, I'm really amaze on how they pull-off 1/100 or 1/144 human figure.
  3. aww... already the end. and I just thought the series will be as long as Mac7... oh well guess we'll have to wait for a fill-in movie or an OVA if theres any
  4. Wow he's really updated... If I recall correctly he also the first one that reviewed MG101 Destiny Gundam online Can't wait to have these babies in hand. Now I'm really into this kit(wish hasegawa could done the same) gap will not be an issue for me, since I'm use to build gundam models, I'm sure I could find a way. Anyway do you think the gunpod could be place here?:
  5. Me too and I'm really looking forward on yf19 and yf21. Wonder what vf1's will look like, still having nostalgia on toynami's
  6. WOW nice pics!!! On some point I say the proportion is quite good, maybe because of the angled shot but well see hands on. Since it is still a kit, tranforming it always might worn out the joints(like my zeta, now mine Its forever in robot mode). But I like 3 modes. WTF need 3 kits??? Crapiest modeling contest-----I'm in
  7. And from what I said... I still and will believe on Bandai(you need more detail). Yamato will always amaze me(your QC is something always to talk about). Its just competition
  8. Wow nicely said... but don't you think that is also applicable to you too. Sorry for being offensive but Omegablue's point are defense on what you said that "Bandai would outdo Yamato but so far it looks like they'll need a couple more years to catch up " I'm NO expert on 3d stuff or engineering but from that context its like your saying "Yamato is the best ever and Bandai sucks". Com'on lets be realistic, are willing to buy Bandai Products? is it really that Bad? Are you saying that Yamato always have done a great job and yet your still complaining. Sorry bro. for being so nosy or being too cautious but sometimes its just so wrong, critizing so much. PEACE OUT BRO. and again sorry if I ever offended you
  9. 1/100!!! are their planning MIAs(Macross in Action)...hmm VIAs(Valkyrie/Veritech in Action) sound more appropriate I got this ill chilling feeling, are they planning 1/100 macross line... I mean all of them
  10. That's what I'm trying to say... Forgot to specify hahahaha
  11. Thanks for the pics Oh crud... Detachable Landing gears and hand sets, guess it will need a lot of modding. and also planning to release some Quead's SWEET A note to Yamato: Bandai is doing some Quead's, Why didn't you? Com'on
  12. hmm... does it mean he want the batroid to look like this: Try to imagine transforming THAT without using anime magic Com'on at least Yamato made an effort to make it look more humanoid in proportion. And the balance between three modes are simply justifiable
  13. and for the record Bandai have done a tremendous job on transforming toy-line, example SOC Voltes V and Combatler V note that these super robot didn't came from a CG design, although its not that perfect, they made a remarkable job to make the figure/expensive toy as anime accurate as posible. Not only that they also did a great job on combining and transforming Zords. Sorry for being optimistic, but do you think Yamato did a great job on molding on their pilots...Yes its not that perfect nor highly detailed but still we accept it because we bought it for Mecha not the pilot. As far as detail concern I really have strong faith in Bandai's tech. Have you seen 1/100 Amuro compared with 1/60 Yamato Macross pilots. Amuro's 1/100 is detailed you'll have problem painting it and they have the posibility of making a human figure as small as 1/144.(saw this in youtube on a Japanese show presenting bandai factory) I'm not saying that Bandai is that perfect. All I wanted to say in that we see to much wrong on the figure but we can't even notice their effort PEACEOUT
  14. For me its a Small Problem...but com'on its Yamato, for sure they will have a 2nd release, they might fix some notable bugs when they read some consumers review and recations. (e.g. YF-19) Still its a remarkable piece...But for now I'll wait just then. Patience is Virtue.
  15. Now...from this day onward I'LL LOVE HER EVEN MORE.
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