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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Thanks David for the reply. Actually, I do have what my wife calls it... fat fingers. So that small room you mentioned is kinda tricky for me. Hehehe. What I use is a tweezer, round edge so I won't harm the plastic. But even though I use tweezer, it's really hard to push it. So I thought maybe there's a trick on how to do it.
  2. By the way, after purchasing and transforming this figure for 5 times now, I really do wish they revisit again the YF-21 and release a renewal version. And maybe include the Fast Pack and Fold Booster there since YF-21 doesn't have lots of missile to showcase. But somehow keep it under $300. I will not hesitate to press the Pre-order button if that happens. And reissue also the VF-4G in Hikaru's color scheme seen in Flashback. I think that's it. Thanks! Happy collecting guys!
  3. Hi everyone. First time post since 2008. In that span of time, I did have a chance on acquiring 2nd hands of Yamato 1/60 Hikaru's VF-1A and VF-1S both with bundled Super & Strike Packs. Which IMHO, the best valk ever made. A Bandai DX YF-29 Isamu variant. An upcoming YF-25 Prophecy on preorder. My wife and my 5-year old son. And now this newly and improved YF-19 from Arcadia. I know that I didn't had a chance on getting the first YF-19 so I really can't compare on how great the new figure is. But seeing and reading some of your comments here and also comparing the new figure from the last 19 variant from Yamato, the 19Kai via online, I really do say that as a beginner on collecting new 1/60 valks, this is a superb toy... though a lot of you say that it's really expensive. And I do agree on that. If only they've included the Fold Booster, then maybe, maybe I can justify the price tag that came with it. Regarding for members who had trouble with Amiami, hope it gets resolve fast. I also ordered via Amiami (my first purchase from them) and after reading the tragic posts from fellow members here, I took a video opening the brown box up to opening the valk box itself just in case. Anyways, I still don't have photos to showcase my valks, though a lot of you already posted great photos, and I don't want to ruin the forum with my crappy phone cam shots. Hehehe! But I did however snapshot a specific area since I have question on it. For me, it's really not that hard to follow the manual photo instructions, and from what I can say it's really straight-forward. I did have more trouble transforming the YF-29 than this one. Hehehe. My question based on the photo below is the metal swivel thing on the crotch area. Is there an easy way on pressing the small button so I can swing the metal part easily when transforming the valk to battroid? Thanks in advance.
  4. i love these new figures from Yamato. though i love better the articulations from Revoltech. guess, i just need to buy both sets just to satisfy my urge. hehehe. wish the ones from Yamato includes also the Fast Packs for each YF's.
  5. no3Ljm

    Macross Revoltech

    i'm definitely going to get these new Macross figures from Revoltech. and also the ones from GN-U.
  6. oppsss... sorry guys. didn't know there was already a thread for that CM. guess i got so carried away when i saw that one. and this is the only thread that i saved on my bookmarks. looks like everyone is so excited to see some photos of the prototype. hope they release it soon. so i can decide now. thanks for the welcome guys.
  7. hey everyone. this is my first post on this wonderful Macross forum. i'm also curious on this upcoming 1/60 scaled figure of YF-21. that's why i'm waiting for this one to come out first before deciding if i should get the YF-19 later on. been checking this thread for awhile now and there's still no official image yet from Yamato. anyways, the reason for this post is... since you guys are the expert on Macross. maybe you can check this Yamato CM video for the upcoming 1/60 YF-21 figure that i've downloaded this morning from the net if it's genuine or not. if it is, then this is the first time we saw the prototype with its colors. but then again, how come there's already a CM knowing there's no official image of the YF-21 yet. thanks. and more power to Macrossworld.
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