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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Thanks saburo! From the looks of it, Alto's side armor skirts kinda have the same grey color of Ozma's valk. I assumed that if we ever use Alto's armored parts to Ozma basically it will be too much grey overall. Hmmm. What do you think? Do you think it will look ok? Or is it going to be too grey? Again, thanks for the photo.
  2. Does anyone have clear photo of Alto's and Ozma's Armored Valks Renewal together? Side-by-side? I just want to know how close the overall grey colors on Alto's Armored Parts to Ozma's grey Valk? Is the light grey part of Alto's Armor close enough for Ozma's grey? Would the dark grey part of Alto's Armor parts will give enough contrast to Ozma's grey Valk? I know Ozma's Armored Pack has darker shades of grey on most parts. Just want to check if Alto's Armored Parts would look ok with Ozma's. Btw, I tried checking online for photos but I can't guarantee if it's accurate in person. So would someone here who have both Valks with Armored Parts to please check, even if it's just an estimate, if Alto's Armored Parts would look ok with Ozma's Thanks a bunch.
  3. I remember posting this one the night that crazy preorder madness started. I'm studying how the transformation works out and how stable will be in battroid mode. Hope this one helps. I'm sure there's going to be locking mechanism and whatnot. But knowing Bandai's loose joint in the forseeable future, one will think how good the toy will be when it's released. I'm one of them now since I also PO'ed this one. Hehehe. I guess, the best answer to that is the display stand that comes with it. I'm still thinking how long the side bar (yellow-the one that connects to the pelvis area-red) will be in order the nose cone (green) to flip going to the back area.
  4. True. Hope they do this after they decided to release those Supernova schemes. So this drawing spec uses the VF-25A colored packs on YF-19? Thought red would look better with YF-19. So this one called VF-19EF/A ISAMU Special/VF-25A Messiah based on the Mechanic Sheet box on the upper left? So this model is not YF anymore? Curious to see what Isamu 'VF' looked like in Battroid mode. Thanks! Love the shots! It's funny that I don't like the Gerwalk mode (before Arcadia) ever since I saw it on MPlus back in the 90's. Now, it's my favorite YF-19 mode.
  5. Thanks antibiotictab! I was hoping to see how the transformation on the pelvic/nosecone area just to have sense on how secure the pelvic is in battroid mode. i guess, that's what the 'display stands' for.
  6. Wow! Those are nice photos. Do you guys think that Arcadia would release a YF-19 in Hikaru colors? Love to get one for sure.
  7. Found this on eBay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-Frontier-Bandai-Tamashii-VF-25F-Alto-Super-Parts-Renewal-Version-MISB-/141248729874?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item20e3149312 So excited at first since the photo says Armored Parts in Katakana. I wished that the information was wrong. Because it says he's selling Super Parts on the title. So I message the seller to check if it's the Armored Parts (letting him know the picture says 'A-Ma-Do Pa-Tsu' and not 'Su-Pa Pa-Tsu') or the Super Parts that he's seilling. And yes, he's selling Super Parts and NOT the Armored Parts. Hope he fix the photo since it's confusing to people who can read Katakana. So misleading...
  8. Thanks. So far no problem with the stickers when it transforms? I really envy people who does custom on this figures. Good to know that it's just sticker since it looks like decal. And will look forward if ever you decided to sell this decals here. Ooooh... I really want to have Fold Booster too.
  9. Yeah. I hope someone will even if it's just the 25S head. I like that head than the 25F. Hehehe. But, have to love 25F since it's part of my Red and Black stripe team. Hahaha! For me, I don't mind the transfomation and custom paint since I will just use the heads when it's in Battroid mode. In that way, the custom paint applied on the custom head will not damage when it's transformed. True. Also the reason why I'm having second thoughts if I'm going to put panel lining or not. Since I'm not sure if it's safe when it applies a topcoat. And would the topcoat be scratch in one way or another when it gets transformed? Btw, nice color modding. My YF-29 Isamu already lost some black paint on the shoulder armor. Great job on this one. I like the color. Same question as Kaneda's. Is this transformable or fixed fighter mode? Thanks.
  10. Hahaha! That's true. Technically, I just said to myself I will just buy Hikaru's main Valks except for the VF-1D and VT-1. VF-4G is getting expensive and I don't like it at first but it grows into me esp in fighter mode so I'm just waiting for a reissue/renewal. Got lucky, extra budget-wise, when the Isamu valks (YF-29 and Arcadia's YF-19) went available for P.O. And I kinda like the trend that I'm going since they're all red and black. (Now I wish Isamu's valk is colored off-white too. ) So I decided I will just buy those scheme and as long that I like the valk designs. Buying or completing this toy line (transforming 1/60 scale) is really that expensive. And for its size, it really takes space on working table and cabinet. Too bad I started late on the Macross F line so I paid after market prices even though it's posted in mandarake (super parts). So I grabbed as much as long that I won't go over my budget. And since I already purchased almost all the Red and Black stripe Valks that I like, I guess I'm all set. Just waiting for the release on the YF-30 Chronos. The only exemption on this planned scheme is the VF-1J Hikaru (still with my sister); if Arcadia will reissue VF-4G in FB2012 color or even the default color (VF-X game?); and if Arcadia will do a renewal of YF-21, which I doubt it will happen this year. Hehehe. That's it.
  11. I like to have one VF-25S too in the future. But I just wish the tone of grey should be a little lighter. So the black parts and paint should stand out more. Kinda like more darker over real-life grey colored fighter aircraft. Also is there a place where I can buy (custom) unpainted VF-25S/G/A heads only? Love to try and see a 25S/G/A head on a 25F color scheme. Having only 1 Messiah figure, I rather have custom head swapping for my 25F color scheme.
  12. You're welcome! Glad to be of help. From what I remember Isamu's back part of the helmet is still somehow as same as the VF-1 pilot's helmet only more stylized and wider. And has the 'grill' looking thing at the back. And I believe it still has that 2 tubing thing connector at the bottom part of the back that connects to the backpack. Anyways, looking forward to your finished project.
  13. Great job takatoys! It looks perfect. Btw, did you apply topcoat afterwards? And what kind of decal did you used, waterslide? Anyways, great job!
  14. Based on Jenius and Veef's review which Scyla posted above, I'm sure it will be great. From what I've seen so far with the parts when I checked the package, it really looks impressive. But I haven't tried it yet since I'm still waiting for my VF-25F unit which hopefully it will arrive on Monday. My only regret is that I just decided to get this now to complete the Red and Black stripe scheme Valks, so it's really quite expensive. I also wish for the Armored Parts, but looking at some site, it's almost the same price, if not, more than the price of the VF-25F Renewal base unit. I just hope Bandai will reissue the Alto Armored Parts. Oh, the condition? Well, it looks ok for me. There's some area that needs cleaning like sticky surfaces. But it's not that biggie. So I cleaned it up with damp cloth with a little mild soap and wipe it with clean cloth. Hope that helps. Edit: The one I ordered, it says Used and has some minor tear and shelf wear on the box. As long as there's no damage inside, I'm happy.
  15. Found this online. It's kinda small. Hope this will help with your project.
  16. Great purchases everyone! Arrived today from Mandarake: VF-171Ex with Armored Parts and VF-25F Super Parts. Too bad VF-25F didn't make it today. Will see him on Monday.
  17. Wow! Before I slept there was nothing at HLJ. But this morning BOOM! It was already sold out. Can't believe they posted in the wee hours of morning (Pacific Time). Oh well, since it's already $190 something with them, guess I'll go with NY. Don't want to wait anymore if this will be available less price in the future atleast I'm already secured with a copy. And besides this will go with another PO with them. Anyways, CONGRATS everyone!
  18. Mine also. With all those problems mentioned with this figure, I still love it. And I'm still hoping to have a 2nd copy in the future for a decent price even without those missles.
  19. Great photos! Are you going to do some professional shots in Gerwalk mode?
  20. What grainy? All I see is pure awesomeness. How about the edge of the stickers? Would it get dirty or something in time by holding and playing with it? If so, what's the best way to eliminate that? Thanks and sorry about the noob question. Never tried applying stickers yet on my valks.
  21. Yehey! Got a confirmation that I got the VF-25F Renewal over Mandarake. 10mins while waiting for the YF-30 Chronos preoder madness over AmiAmi last night, I've been hitting the F5 key at Mandarake. And when this pops up http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-763861.html, I was in a hurry pushing the Add to Cart button. What a rush! I might not get lucky on the first batch PO on YF-30 at AmiAmi, atleast I did get the chance to nab this one.
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