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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Finally decided not to get it. Ignored NY's payment email deadline which is today. And lo and behold, got an email that my PO has already been cancelled. Just wish they don't cancel my other POs which is majority of them is for later this year. I haven't logged in yet on the main NY site so not sure if all my other paid POs are also been cancelled or not. Anyways, the budget alloted for the Prophecy went to my eBay YF-21 purchase. Hehehe. Edit : By the way, while I'm checking the YF-21 earlier, I was thinking it would look cool displayed together with the YF-25 Prophecy. Blue and Yellow/Orange. nice. Hopefully some members will post here soon the Prophecy besides the YF-21.
  2. Great purchases everyone! Got me a BLUE BIRD today. Won this on eBay for $202. New. Never transformed. I assumed it was only displayed in fighter mode. Plastic wraps on one leg and landing gears are still intact. Too bad I missed bidding on the DX VF-25G and VF-25F first versions from the same seller. They all have the same bidding time so I just focus on YF-21 until the last minute. Got lucky since it's the 2008 release that comes with Fast Packs and Display Stand. Nice. 2 weeks ago, it was this.
  3. Hope this helps, chyll2: http://page16.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u66113608 6 hours to go.
  4. Happy 'OTO-SAN' Day to DADs out there. Enjoy!
  5. Hi Duymon. Thanks for the fast reply. Do you let it dry first before clean it up with paper towel and rubbing alcohol? And when you say rubbing alcohol, are you using the 90%(?) Isopropyl Alcohol? And how's the paint even without topcoat? Also, are they lacquer or enamel based? Anyways, thanks for sharing. Hope I could also apply panel lines on mine. Thanks.
  6. Nice! Have to ask, did you apply topcoat on this afterwards? Or just panel lined on the plastic as is? And what kind of paint did you use? Thanks in advance.
  7. 'Ouch!' Wallet-killer indeed. I don't have one and I know I'm also super late in buying DX Renewal but I'm sure I don't want to spend that much on Ozma. I rather buy an extra Alto for the 25F Armored Pack that I'm reserving for Ozma. Or just wait if they're going to reissue it. If not, then that's the only time I will shake my head for being super late on the game. Hehehe.
  8. I have a feeling this might be true for the underwing parts since photos of YF-30 shows some 'hardpoints' underneath the wings. That same hardpoint also shows on the arm so I'm pretty sure Bandai will put out something to attach on those bundled with some replacement for the missle pod. By looking again at the photos I can't tell if possible and if they're going to make some boosters add-on parts as well. But still I'm all welcome again for another round of 'limited/exclusive' part add-on in which they can't just put it along with the main figure.
  9. Good for you, KH355amdi. Not the loose joint, but, atleast you have Ozma's valk. An for sure that ONE is a 'wallet' killer.
  10. Yay! A 100 stands for $10? Count me in! Anyways, I'm also looking forward for the display stands that you're working on, ChaoticYeti. I've seen some photos before of your prototypes and they're look awesome. I know 100 stands for $10 is not realistic. Hehehe. But 10 stands for $50, I guess I'm good with that. If it's going to be an injection molding production method, is this going to be a generic one color plastic things? Let's say, available in Black or Grey colors? And is there like a price estimate now on how much would it cost for a single stand? Sorry if this is already been asked. Thanks.
  11. True. But it's Bandai. So they will think of something to put on the legs and arms as well. Or maybe put something on the wings too to justify creating an add-on/option parts for Chronos. I'm just thinking that if ever they decide to put a mega cannon on him as an optional part, I rather have something for the legs and arms too to make it more heavy weapon/armory looking Valk like the Messiahs but not as bulky as those. Somehow like the GBP leg armors but a little bit thinner. Same goes to the arms as well. And throw in some Chest armors at it to complete the package since we're going to pay extra $50+ for it.
  12. Thanks sreichma! My original plan for the Messiahs was the 25F would stay in his Super Packs. And get (hopefully) a reissue 25S and change the yellow stripes to red and put the 25F Armored Pack on him. I like the darker valk on the Armored Pack and the 25S head on. Looks more rugged than 25F.
  13. Mega Cannon part should look nice replacing the missle pod.
  14. Thanks guys! Really appreciate your inputs.
  15. Hmmm... kinda grows on me... Hehehe. Guess have to keep my PO then for now. Any idea where can I get a 1/60 scaled YF-16 to display it together? A noob question, why they didn't follow this scheme? I know the orange color is off. But when you look on the shoulder armor, this one has a orange spot whereas the DX fig has an orange stripe around it like typical Messiah shoulders. And no blue lining on the crotch armor area. Is this more the updated look after passing the prototype phase even though they still have the same designation as YF-25 Prophecy? Is there any difference or it's a different designation? And do you think the DX Prophecy will get the 'Guard-something' option parts in the future? If so, then I'm going to keep this one. Thanks in advance.
  16. Thanks guys! So basically, there's no difference on the main figure itself. I guess, have to hunt down the 2008 version then. Thanks a bunch!
  17. I'm not sure if this had been asked before. What's the difference on the main figure itself of 2008 and 2010 versions of YF-21 asides from the Fast Pack and Display Stand? And if ever I'm going to purchase one now, would I go with the 2008 or 2010? Honestly, I want to go with the ones that has Fast Packs so I'm not going to hunt down those separate Fast Pack sets. I'm just playing safe since we're not sure if Arcadia plans on releasing Ver 2. But if you guys will tell me that if ever there some flaws on the 2008 version and they fixed it for the 2010 version, then I might go with the latter. Thanks in advance.
  18. Congrats on the VF-1J! Finally! Btw, does FromJapan offers different options of shipping or stick with EMS like Buyee? Thanks!
  19. My first image post on this thread. My small Macross collection. And yes, they're all my fave Red & Black stripe motif Valks. Well, except for that floating-in-action 'blue' one. He's one of two valks that I really want as an exemption of my Red & Black rule. The other one would be the VF-4G. Here's wishing to a reissue of YF-21 and VF-4G (preferably in FB2012 colors). The only valk that I didn't put there was Hikaru's VF-1S. Anyways, enjoy! Now I'm not so sure if YF-30 Chronos will fit in there. Hehehe.
  20. I saw one at Mandarake with a Y47000 price tag. oh boy!
  21. That's why I'm hoping or waiting (or never) for a release of Ozma's 25S. Paying $300+ is kinda over for me. And besides, with that amount of money, we can buy atleast 2 valks. If ever I have extra like $300, and Bandai decided to release a reissue, I'm going to make sure that I will buy two Ozma's. But to be honest, one 25S is ok with me as long that it's not a $300+ value. That's why I envy those who have multiple copies of it or people who have enough dough to buy after market prices.
  22. Congrats on the VF-25S! I assumed you paid $300+ since you mentioned high price.
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