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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Ok, I'm curious. I haven't experienced any problems yet on my Alto's 171Ex. But what this tiny things do? If ever that falls off and in case you lost it, would it fail to transform it back or something? From the looks of the plastic, is this some kind of locking tabs? Anyways, thanks in advance.
  2. I can't say why they charged me more (like $40) but it's the v2 VF-1S with Super and Strike Parts. So maybe the added parts made my shipping cost a little more. Just guessing here on the why's.
  3. Great find on the YF-21. In case you decided to transform it, be careful on the thigh. Don't put too much pressure. And make sure to check the inserted flyer for the leg guideline.
  4. For some weird reasons, I can't seem to find 5 VF-0A Bandits on both Archipelago and Desert maps for one of my Hunter Guild quest. Any ideas where the exact locations to find them? I'm on Chapter 4-2. Loving the game. It gets repetitive but it still addictive while upgrading and trying to find parts for the next high-end valkyrie.
  5. I'm on iPhone 4S using Safari. I accidentally clicked the Full Version and there's no way of going back to mobile version. I read this thread only to find out that the only option is to reset or clear cookies. Once I did that, all my opened Safari tabs are closed. Now I can't remember what site am I browsing that time. Is there a way to set up from Full version to Mobile version without going to clear cookies resort? Also when the thread is long on the Mobile version, is there a way to put a 'Back to Top' link instead of swiping the page going back to top? Thanks and so far I'm loving the mobile version.
  6. True. I love Hot Toys too for their craftmanship though recently their just capitalizing on their Marvel licensed products aka Iron Man 3. Before they finish releasing all the Marks variants... a new product from the recent Marvel movie will be announced. Ignoring again all the previous announced licensed products from different movies. (e.g. Batman Returns. announced like 2 years ago?) I guess they were enrolled at the Bandai's Dairy Farm. Specialty in Milking.
  7. Just to play safe on their shipping cost. I always assumed or estimate all the Yamato releases around 2.5kg. Because I remember Mandarake charged me $40 something on previous VF-1's purchases. And when I checked the JP shipping price chart that's around the 2.5kg mark. Always prepare yourself paying extra for EMS if you really want to get items via Buyee.
  8. I just thought that somehow it would look nice if it has a different head type that's more appropriate as a 'scout' unit. Anyways need to rewatch Macross Frontier once again. Hehehe.
  9. Now that spanner mentioned the head, how come they didn't change the head unit to the appropriate 'scout' unit or kinda resembles the RVF with a bigger sensor and clear parts like Prophecy? Did they just used the default DX 171 head?
  10. Btw, have to ask since you guys are starting to put your valks on a fish/nylon line. Do you guys put something in between the line and your valk? Like a small cloth or thin paper to the contact area? Or you guys just lay the valk directly to the line? Thanks.
  11. I rehabbed it and it's the fighter on the way left Makes me wonder now if you put ID tags as well individually on your valks on who or where you bought your 171's. This is the only CFs I appreciate the most in all of the Macross series. They ALL look nice together... and intimidating too compared to VF-1A's and VF-25A's altogether.
  12. After thinking about the new additional parts, there's really nothing you can add on to the YF-19 because of its design. It's not as same as the majority of the Valks that the wing area are always end up on the back in Battroid mode. Those are easy to put any option parts. But in the case of the 19's, it's very limited. It always ends up as an after-thought concept. Hehehe. That's why I love the YF19/21 as naked. But to be honest, seeing that YF-19 in Fighter mode with the VF-25 Boosters and missle pods always makes my day. Somehow it justifies the added Fast Pack as a whole. It will be more satisfying to me if they put on the Fold Boosters as well.
  13. I agree. To be honest, I kinda like Alto's DX 171Ex more than his DX 25F. Well, except for that 'rubber shoes' looking feet.
  14. Well, I only expressed my opinion for seeing that 500yen acrylic stand that was posted HERE, on the VF-0D thread. Whereas if they posted that stand announcement in a separate thread dedicated to the 'display stands' or thread dedicated to 'complaints for lack of stands', then for sure you will see my 'complaints' over there. Since it was posted here, I'm sure that it's just proper that I posted my opinion or 'complaints' as you put it, here too. Anyways, back to the REAL topic: Looking forward to the VF-0D esp seeing those cute little figures. I'm pretty sure this will be announced as a $300 toy, which I think will be their standard MSRP from now on and load us with missiles and display stand connectors once again.
  15. Cool purchase! That's one sleek figure and at the same time a little creepy. Looks like he jumped out from the Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex series.
  16. Uhm, not to be rude or anything, but is this just like posting complaints with matching photos of the VF-171 on a YF-30 thread?
  17. I'm thinking about what Mommar said on how he wish that the shoulder missle pods can turn or somehow be positioned like the 25's. And upon inspecting all those photos released, I saw some hinges underneath (green arrow). The magenta arrows are the hinges for the missle pod doors. Not sure exactly what's the hinges underneath is for. All I think of is maybe it helps elevating the pod after turning the shoulder outward in Battroid mode and face forward the pods? Now I was thinking if those hinges turn too like the 25's then there's hope that those can be positioned like the 25's missle pods. Though it will start to look awkward since the pointy part of the pod will be positioned pointing up or pointing towards the back. Basically, think of the pod from the photos and rotate it in 180degrees. Instead of getting the pointy part facing forward, now the one facing you will be the back part area of the pod. Which I think it will be impossible since the pod opening hinges are located at the back so doing that rotating 180degree hinges will make the pod look awkward. But I'm curious to know what's exactly the hinges at the bottom is for.
  18. Let's wait and see. For sure this thing will be mass produced soon. Either from Arcadia or some other third-party company. Think positive. If not, then atleast you save $150 something and buy other stuff instead.
  19. The only solution here not to worry on the exploding parts is buy 2 as most members here do so you can display both in Fighter and Battroid mode. Or better yet, get 3 to add the ever-loving 'Gerwalk' mode.
  20. Agreed. Would love that LOW MSRP too without including stuff we don't need. If that's the case then I hope they reissue those stands individually coz... I really NEED it. I love the Flightpose Stands but learning that the silicon parts tends to stick or leave residue to the Valks, then I rather use their 'suggested' display stands since they keep on putting those connectors to every releases as well. I'm a new Valk collector. So basically, I missed everything. And I'm not gonna buy Yamato stands from third-party sellers with the same amount as a basic Valkyrie set.
  21. I agree it's related to the paint and prints. Best example also is the YF-21.
  22. I'm hoping for that too. Looking forward for another sets of display stand connectors as well... without the stand for sure. Hahaha! And yes, I'm being sarcastic again for not including the stands. I know they've included it with the Arcadia VF-1S releases. But WHO really wants those BIG stand?
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