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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Try to wipe it off first with dampcloth and a touch of dishwashing soap just to see if it's just dirt.
  2. Hahaha! There's that bracket once again.
  3. Oh my! Having second thoughts on the BOUNS parts. Thanks Gakken85. This is the first time I saw this prototype. Cool.
  4. Cool! BTTF! Looking forward to see Marty's face. Love to have that DeLorean as well, but not enough space to put that beauty and I assumed price for that one will be around $500-700. It's more detailed than the Tumbler or Keaton's Batmobile. Would look great too if it comes with option parts to switch it to 'Flying DeLorean' as Biff would say. It's good thing though that they're announcing some 'new' cool stuff. Kinda fed up seeing those various IM figures announcement.
  5. I just use a damp cloth and a little dishwashing soap. I also have a question on the VF-25's shoulder part. Sorry, if this is already been asked, but I was wondering on how to remove the white (I have 25F) shoulder armor part from the diecast? I want to tighten one of the shoulder since it's kinda loose. And it's the right arm so basically everytime I pose him with his gunpad, the shoulder/arm just stay down. I did try removing it, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it the proper way. Don't want to force the plastic nor stress it. Can't seem to find a screw hole on that plastic part so I'm not sure how to remove it. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  6. I'm ALL for the GBP! Just wish they will also release a version just the armor with the effects parts once again ala Yamato exclusive.
  7. Other grey colored I can think of is the VF-X? But I'm interested to see if the announcement will be for a new mold or reissue.
  8. I agree. Dirty white or light grey (about 15% shade of grey) would do.
  9. VF-4 Lightning III from Flashback 2012???
  10. Awesome Saburo! Great shots on that VF-1-Roy. Btw, are you using mirror?
  11. Thanks for the update ChaoticYeti. Looking forward to your video.
  12. I just realized. I meant the Armored Packs and not the Super Packs. Hahaha! That's ok, Mommar. I passed on the Tornado Parts too.
  13. I'm so in love with those Roy color schemes. It really matches the Valks that you used. By the way, any paint scratches happened after transformation?
  14. no3Ljm

    Macross figures

    That's a cutie.
  15. I just noticed that there was no options or call sign when you add the Tornado cannon to the Super Parts configuration. Based on the photo I found online, Tornado mixed with Super parts is called Lightning. Though I can't tell which Super pack is included on this configuration except for the shield. I'm assuming it uses the Super parts leg and arm armor or something. Anywanys, me I just want to do the Destroy Messiah in the future. And that was my original plan if ever I'll get a Ozma 25S and change it to red stripes. That's the only time I'll buy the Tornado parts. But for now, I will just wait for a good-priced 25S.
  16. Great collections Sream Man. A jaw-dropping collections. I'm curious to see more of these. Were they custom painted? And are they still transformable? And were they all your Macross figures panel-lined? Looks great!
  17. Looks cool and detailed. Though I didn't PO this one, since I just want the cannon from the Tornado pack. And use it to my Super Packs.
  18. Looks nice. Did you consider first to use the same color as what the dark color on the front of the canopy? Like brown/olive? Still looks great!
  19. True. Hope Bandai would do that too. Love to see different and 'refreshing' colors too. But knowing Bandai, they rather paint it with someone famous' color motif to sell the same mold. Instant ka-ching! Me too. Looking forward to check Battroid's 'support bracket'.
  20. And probably a YF-30 Ozma Custom repaint for sure.
  21. I believe it's going to be available at the WonderFest.
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