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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Clicked the Add to Cart. After it finished loading this is the message I get: DX Chogokin - VF-25S Messiah Valkyrie (Ozma Lee Custom) Renewal Ver. "Macross Frontier"(Preorder) is sold out. Thank you. Chronos Dejavu all over again. Good thing MWF didn't crashed.
  2. Cool. Thanks. Well, just want to say sorry in advance if ever those other members might read my post later and give another meaning. I didn't mean no harm. But all I'm saying that whatever happened before already happened. And if ever those situations happened to me, for sure I will still buy from that same store over and over again just because of the price. It's really worth it as long that you'll get lucky on the first 5sec. Anyways, good luck to everyone. Time to refresh your browsers. Restart the computers. And a cup of coffee. 1 hour till countdown...
  3. That's too bad, dapro. Just hang in there. You will be surprised one day it will just knock on your door.
  4. I'm not instigating or anything. Sorry if you got offended. But I do agree. It's better to go where it has a good customer service. All I'm saying is during those incidents month and months ago, whether it is 'made/built to order' or 'mass released' as long that people are getting frustrated on contacting the overseas store when there some problems with the orders, the only thing we can do is bad mouth them. Saying things such as 'will not buy from them anymore', 'will not use them anymore', etc. But whenever there's a chance like this. Like how we know Amiami offers the best cheap price as a initial or reissue releases, we keep on coming back despite of the problems we have with them before.
  5. Hoping that's true. I think Bandai got tired of those scalpers. Bet after the upcoming PO window, those $400+ priced VF-25S will go down for sure. If so, I might grab that one too and use that first release on changing the yellow stripes. And keep the newer one. Assuming I won't nab a second copy at Amiami.
  6. It's worth the try though. Hehehe. And I just remember that a month or a month and a half ago, I read on the other threads how they don't want to order again at Amiami due to bad customer service or something-something, yet here we are again. I'm sure a lot of members are on their 'F5 Standby Mode' now. Hehehe.
  7. Ok, so based on Amiami, purchase limit is 'Max 1 quantities per household'. I think everyone has a chance of getting one. Woohoo! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-1891 Good luck everyone!
  8. 4. Hope MWF will not go down as well like the last Chronos PO time. Just hoping to nab one tonight.
  9. The only detail I remembered they mentioned on the info on the item was that 'New/Damaged Box'. Didn't mentioned if it came from a smoking collector, etc. And the rest are just japanese saying items in good condition; might have some defect on the package and items, etc. All those regular warning the says you're purchasing a second hand or used toys. I don't think they spend too much time on enlisting the correct or proper description of the said items online. Unless ofcourse you're buying personally from them to see the real status of the said items.
  10. Would love to get from Amiami because of the price. But that site usually gets sold in a matter of seconds so hopefully next one is HLJ. But HLJ doesn't post theirs the day itself. Because I remember the Chronos wasn't up on their site on the said PO time but days after. So last resort would be NY. Plan on getting two the most. But if I can just get a piece, I'm still good. I'll be happy to customize a regular MSRP priced Ozma. I remember this one will cost Y15500 on PO, correct? Thanks.
  11. I agree with you guys. I like buying stuff from them. Though sometimes I do wonder how come some of the items smells funny. Like what I mentioned earlier that I receive my 25F and the SP with a cig smells. and a very strong one too. Some items smells like it's being taken from some mud water. I'm not sure if the shops has some employees who smokes a lot or the toy is just being smells funny. Just so you know the SP for Alto I bought was never opened. But it really smells. I know a smell if it came from a storage or a warehouse. But this one you know that it's not from a storage or warehouse whatsoever. It's like when you opened the package, my whole room smells like cigarettes instantly.
  12. Is this true?! WOW! Dream come true. I don't mind even if it's just the VF-X game version. But a 'repaint' version? That would be super cool! Hope it's the FB2012 version. If not, the blue on the bottom post from Mommar looks very nice too.
  13. On the lower left side, is that a crease on the box? If so, then I assumed that's the damage mentioned. I bought many items from Manda like Robot Damashii figures, and all the 'damage' I saw was like creases on the corner of the box. And some minor fold on the box tabs. I guess, that's the 'damage' mentioned. Makes me wonder if there's no proper word for crease or small dent in nihonggo. Or they just all OCD thinking that a small defect is already a major defects on them. Btw @ChaoticYeti congrats on the SP. I remember that my 25F and the Super Packs came with a cigarette smells. And it's a strong smell. After I took it out from the box, I wiped it using damp cloth with a little bit of soap.
  14. True. The original promo photos doesn't have it. But we already found out that they were cheating on those. They put some 'tack' in between the folded nosecone and the coreblock. Once the nosecone is flip towards the back it just droops. I documented this a few pages back. Basically, it really needed that support clip to keep the nosecone in place and not to be droopy. Here's my post on Page 57: Unless they do something first on the nosecone to attach on the coreblock without using the bracket before its releases which I doubt will happen sooner since the release date is just around the corner.
  15. Sure! Just make sure not to try to separate the shoulder armors. They're glued together.
  16. Thanks Saburo. Just don't try to separate the armors like I did. I thought at first that it can be separated when I saw the pegs underneath it. Only to scratch it with my knife. Oh well. Lessons learned. You're welcome close313. Hope that helps. I didn't post my YF-29 thigh photos since it's the same that I did on my 25F. You're welcome Sildani. By the way, did anyone already repaired their crotch/leg locks? Hope someone would share it.
  17. One day I just didn't surf the web and this happened. Oh well... My Face: My Wallet:
  18. From what I remember, the transformation video is the first time that it was mentioned or was shown that you need it or you need to support it. But I remember this photo weeks before the video was posted. The Battroid mode shows the clip bracket already. But so you know there's a lot of photos of the Chronos displayed somewhere circulating before that the clip bracket were not present:
  19. I did pop off the white shoulder armor... with some minor blemishes. Hehehe. I've posted some photos on the Macross Maintenance thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41401&p=1139003
  20. Hi everyone! Here's my first contribution on tightening the joints. I've included the texts on the images itself. I know it's not that in-depth but just the basic stuff so that everyone can get an idea on how to start tightening theirs. And hope that's ok. I remember asking questions on how to tighten the shoulder joints on the Messiah on the VF-25 Renewal thread. And so far members answered to use superglue and if I'm not mistaken Saburo replied with a video post of the YF-29 Durandal. (I will repost that video here next time in case members have problems with the YF-29 joints.) Which when I tried to check both shoulders, they're not the same. And the joint that was fixed on the YF-29 is not the joints that I want to repair. So I dared myself to try and pry open the shoulder armor on my VF-25F. And here it goes... The reason why I didn't use the SuperGlue is because it can get messy and if that dries it leaves some white marks and white flaky stuff. That's why I look for an alternative first. And so far it works great. I will contribute more since I'm in the process on tightening other joints on my VF-25F Alto and YF-29 Isamu. Hope that helps.
  21. Oh man... this one looks so nice. Just a sec... does this one comes with a 'back support clip part'? If not, then I'm not gonna buy it. Time to stay away from this thread...
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