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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. I think so. Because when I woke up, some nab theirs from HLJ. Some said they ordered multiple since HLJ didn't put limit 1 per customer. And they posted the link here which is: http://www.hlj.com/product/ban971691 I guess, HLJ updated the Ozma page around 4-430am PST.
  2. It's weird pressing F5's up to now on 6 sites hoping it will show up once again. Hahaha!
  3. Here you go, Mr. March. http://www.hlj.com/product/ban971691/
  4. Nice! Sorry for the trouble. But do you have something more close-up to the head and torso area? Oh man, wish I could get one. The VF-25F Armored Pack is waiting for him.
  5. Ok, from what I saw on the picture, design-wise it's not a perfect transformation on the boosters since there's a clip used during Battroid mode. I mean the clip is not there during Fighter mode. But I still want this for Fighter mode. He might. He said before he just finished one project so there's a possibility. Just in case he decided to make one.
  6. Cool. I'm planning to do that scheme as well. But I'm planning on using the Ozma's grey instead of Alto's white. Can you post some pictures? I'm curious how the V1 head looks on Renewal body. Thanks.
  7. @brouken You're Heaven Sent to MWF members who resides within your territory. So for members who doesn't have one yet, better PM him now. God bless as well.
  8. That's a good price. Better than the total price I have with NY. $230*. *Edit: I just checked it was 230 and not 223.
  9. If the price is good or as same as to other stores, better get it than feel bad later on if ever price goes up. And just use the Registered SAL to save some few bucks.
  10. That's my plan as well. Get 2 somehow on MSRP price. I don't want to custom-paint the yellow stripe on my planned red/black stripe schemes on the after-market priced Ozma. So for me it makes more sense to get the MSRP instead and start 'ruining' the yellow paints. And keep the other one as yellow just in case down the line I decided to get all the yellow and black stripes Valks.
  11. A week from now? Nice. Looking forward to members who will get theirs immediately since I picked the regular shipping method with tracking just to save a few bucks. I'm excited to get it ASAP but my logical thinking kinda steps in. Already paid for this months ago so I'm good to go. It's something to look forward too just in case I can't get a MSRP priced VF-25S for the next couple of days. And my logical self also tells me if ever I get the chance on getting a VF-25S, choose the regular shipping with tracking as well.
  12. NY's working now but 'Not Available' anymore. Oh well, back to reality. Just in case nobody wants their extra PO, let me know. Just ONE is fine.
  13. Same here Saburo. My first one and it still... nada. Still hoping to get one for MSRP price and not EMS as long there's a tracking. Hehehe. Anyways, hit me up when you see one.
  14. Looks like NY crashed. It's not loading even the temporary notice page.
  15. Missed everything again after sleeping around 2am. Oh well... Not meant to be... Btw, is NY still updating? Coz it's still down on me.
  16. Congrats to all the lucky members! Will check again NY tomorrow. I mean, later. Just in case you guys decided to sell one, hit me up.
  17. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/8318-macross-f-vf-25s-messiah-valkyrie-ozma-lee-custom-renewal-ver-reissue.html
  18. NY is still down for me. So it's already available in NY?
  19. I tried to browse this but whenever I try the estimate link. And once I put US. It won't ship to the US.
  20. I just checked Buyee. A lot was posted from Y18000-19800.
  21. Ok, for some weird reasons the one I clicked at Amiami still sits on my Cart. But whenever I try to login to continue the purchase, I get an error message. And once I go back again on the cart it still there. Like it's teasing me or something. Hahaha! Not sure now the moment I close the browser window.
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