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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Yes. From what I've read before it was the same as VF-19 Fire Valkyrie that's why members got so frustrated when it became loose or it's already loose out of the box. I don't have the VF-19 but I could tell that mine is already loose after many times of transformation. It's really loose when it Battroid mode so what I only do is not to extend the ankle during Battroid mode and just set it right properly. In which IMHO, it's better looking. But when in Gerwalk mode, I try to follow what jenius said on this review on the VF-19. Let the ankle rest on the side of the legs. Wihch makes the ankle kinda sturdy. The down part is just when the ankle is resting on one side, the other side of the leg will have bigger gaps. I would love to fix my YF-19 as well and put some silicon rubber. If only I have the will to open it. Hehehe.
  2. That VF-4G (ignoring the lowvis VF-1S)... Nice. Btw, could someone tell me what's the difference again on the Brown VF-1A's? I kinda like the all white one version with just the brown on the side of the legs and arms. Is that also for Kakizaki? And is that a variant or part of the TV series as well? Sorry for asking. Getting old. Forgetting things. Hahaha! Thanks in advance.
  3. Looking forward to your posts, guys! Have fun with your YF-30's.
  4. Thanks chyll2. That's ok. It's not a necessity as of now. But I might grab one if there's below $100. It's just one of those moment thing.
  5. The moment I decided to get Alto's Tornado Parts to add on my Armored Parts, NY price went up from Y8000+ (a day ago) to Y13500. Thanks but no thanks. Yup, they're scalpers alright. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/6703-macross-f-tornado-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-25f-messiah-valkyrie-saotome-alto-custom-renewal-ver-limited-edition.html Any other sites that offers below $100?
  6. Hahaha! This is just a preview for November's VF-25S Reissue.
  7. Actually, they did months ago for Pre-Order. What you see now maybe is some 'small' opening for people who cancelled their PO orders.
  8. Weird. Looks like everyone has that crooked YF-19 head. How did you fix yours btw?
  9. True. Posted NY a page ago. How much I like them for my previous purchases and for the upcoming YF-30 and VF-25S, they're still for me, an opportunitist. Hehehe.
  10. The 5-year old inside me giggles upon reading this. Doesn't sound right, but it's true. Hahaha. Was he on the blacklist now? Is he someone to watch out for? The only reason I can think of this is maybe members doesn't know how to customize and paint model kits esp when they want all the modes to display. And if they really want all the modes and ask a model kit builder expert to customize/paint they might pay the same amount... or something. So better get the transformable ones, I presume(?). Curious. When is the best time for you to touch the Arcadia YF-19? It looks like you've found your own Kryptonite there, David.
  11. Here's a side view photo I posted months ago. Check if yours is like this. Thigh one-click lower. Leg is raised to meet the shoulder and fast pack tabs. There shouldn't be big gap from the leg towards the arm/shield area. If you accomplished this then you're all set. Hope that helps.
  12. True. Because people are so hard to please. Especially when they pay lots of money just to keep their hobby. That's why I always open and sniff the smell of new toys. And I transformed every Valks I have back and forth for multiple times now. So I guess there's no value in them anymore. There you go. Baby steps out of your OCD Syndrome. Don't worry I understand, I'm kinda OCD too when it comes to toys. But for me it's better that I'm the one who rips it than somebody else. I will not forgive myself if that happens. Before I always keep every card and boxes of my toys. But when that piled up and I need more space, I just shook my head and throw it all away. Now all my toys are safe in their comfy Ziploc bags and placed it properly inside plastic box containers. Same thing. I kept the Valk boxes just in case we move. For selling... not sure yet. Hehehe.
  13. Maybe you might want to try and rotate the legs inward from the thigh area since the legs are too far away from the arms. I know the peg from the leg is not inserted on the back part when the Fast Packs are attached. But looking at your pictures shows how big the gap is from the legs to the shield.
  14. Great purchases everyone! I really envy members who buys multiple copies for each modes. Hehehe.
  15. I think it's not just the IP address. But they're also looking if you're using the same Credit Card information or Shipping Addresses.
  16. You could just clean cut open the plastic around the figure with x-acto knife instead of ripping the plastic from the card/board leaving you with a messed-up card. To add on my reply earlier. Macross toys from Yamato/Arcadia and Bandai (basically anything from Japan ) has more value than their Toynami counterparts opened and unopened. Value might go down if you open it but you can still sell it for a good price. Take the 1/55 Valkyries from the 80's for example. You can still sell them to collectors even if it's opened and loose. At the end of the day, always appreciate the expensive and cheap things you buy with your hard-earned money.
  17. Asked yourself if you're planning to become a 'collector' or an 'investor' first? Just make sure before the plastics turned 'yellow' and 'brittle' over time, hold them first.
  18. Oh. It's the first purple bracket. Forgot about that one. Hahaha. Thanks for pointing out Mommar.
  19. Opportunitist indeed. Up on NY at Y24500 before shipping. http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/7160-macross-30-dx-chogokin-yf-30-chronos.html
  20. That looks nice ChaoticYeti. You might want to try these too for your model planes. http://www.fascinations.com/unique-toys-gifts/world-stage Just hope it will hold the Valk's weight. Congrats!
  21. Ok, so this is more clear version of the site posted by Shukenzero. http://blogppoi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2014/08/dx_yf-30-678c.html Some things to worth noticing from the post above. Remember that I'm posting this for things that I noticed and not because I love or hate it. I know the purpose of it and I know it's necessity. But I don't remember seeing an extra bracket from the transforming video for the Gerwalk mode. I assumed in time that the wing area will get floppy since there's no structure in the middle between the wings once the missle pod is ejected. I'm still thankful that Bandai put this support brackets. That's it. Edit: Forgot to add this one. After seeing this... Prepare yourself for future Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive YF-30 Interchangeable Pods. Bring it on, Bandai!
  22. Looking forward to this and to all the posts hereafter.
  23. Read his descriptions/story on the links. Seller probably doesn't need the ring anymore. So he kept all the items again. Guess they called off their engagement.
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