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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Congrats to everyone on their YF-30 Chronos purchases. I'm joining the bandwagon as well. Packaged arrived last Monday via NY Registered SAL. Opened yesterday for inspection and back to the box for selling... Nah! Need to swoosh it around first. Hahaha! No PMs please. Not going to sell it. Hahaha! Likes upon inspection: Sleek Fighter mode. Tampo prints. Gold canopy (just need to check the grease issue later). Delta wings. Hates upon inspection: Weight (It's too light compared to other DX Valks). Front Landing Gear Bay Doors (Scared that I might break it if I pulled too hard. Any advice how?). No lock for the Tail Fin Stabilizers. Will add more likes and hates when I transformed it. By the way, not sure if this is mentioned before but looking at those 2 deep holes on the back upper part of the legs, perhaps for future Super/Option Parts? Looking forward if there's any. Beam Cannon would be nice.
  2. Voted VF-2SS Valkyrie II SAP. Would love to see Arcadia take on this. If not, second choice is VF-5000.
  3. Mr. March, you can check what I did on my YF-19 on the Macross Maintenance thread. Hope that helps. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41401&p=1147000
  4. My 2nd contribution on maintaining our Macross Collections. Just had a 'nerve' this evening on fixing the loose ankle joints on my Arcadia YF-19. Remember that this is just a guide on what method I did. So basically, it's the first time I did it so even how careful I am, I still left some blemishes, minor scratches, etc on my figure. I felt bad but that's how it happened. But the best part is, it made my YF-19's ankle joints tighter than the average OOTB ones. If ever you decided to follow what I did, please don't blame me if ever yours will have minor or major damages. Fix it at your own risk. But if you have a different safe method of doing it, please feel free to share. I might follow it on my other YF-19. Just in case you're curious why I use silicon rubber and not your trusted superglue or nail polish? It's because I tried it before and I don't want the 'mess' it leaves on the plastic.
  5. Thanks chyll2. Edit my earlier post advising not to use Acetone.
  6. Yup. PIcture would be nice. As for Ozma's 25S, try your luck on pre-ordering at Play-Asia since most of the pre-orders from the major shops are already closed. But it's not a guarantee if we can get it from there since up to now they're still accepting pre-orders with out limit, where it should be close now assuming a lot of people and scalpers already placed bulk orders with them. http://www.play-asia.com/dx-chogokin-macross-frontier-vf-25s-messiah-valkyrie-ozma-lee-cu-paOS-13-49-en-70-81rx.html
  7. Ok. Atleast Mommar says it clear that QC is not consistent. First one he has is tight. And the second one won't hold during Gerwalk mode. And anime52k8 doesn't have problems on his. Well, atleast now we hear all the negative ones after we saw all those good ooh's and aah's photos 2-3 days ago. So those brackets should be put whether the copies are loose or tight. Still, looking forward for my copy. Will let you guys know what kind of copy will I get. Sorry to hear about your Chronos, spanner. Any quick remedy on the wings?
  8. Let me know if that 'something else' is VF-4G, ok.
  9. I tried using the Google Translate to translate this: 古い物ですがそれだけです。チャンスが有ればArcadiaでもやれると良いですね! And here's the result: Old thing, but's it. It is good to be f@ckable Arcadia even if there is a chance! Here's my take. Please do correct me if my translation is wrong. "It's just an old thing, that's all. If ever there's chance, it would be great if Arcadia will make one!"
  10. It's necessity. Thankful that Bandai put support parts. But somehow killed the excitement to most people. Esp seeing the promo pics. And then months prior of release, they will show that it needs 'this' to help support the Gerwalk/Battroid. I, for one, included. If this is somehow molded to make it look like part of the plane esp the back bracket, and not just like U-type bracket attachment, then I'm good. Photos from Gamu-Toys. http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx36/dx3602.html Promo pic
  11. EDIT: Do NOT Use ACETONE on the Valks. Thanks to chyll2 for clarifying the Acetone uses on the plastics. Hey Murphy. Is that where you're going to put the SMS logos? On the side of the canopy and on the wings? Anyways, I found this via YouTube. And he somehow mentioned acetone so I'm not so sure if it's correct. He uses the Expo Dry Erase marker on the Hotwheels diecast so I'm not 100% if it's safe on ABS plastics. And he even made one out of the old markers using Acetone.
  12. I'm checking this review and good thing there was small tabs on the wings when it folds back to fighter mode to keep it in place. It eliminates the wings to becoming droopy like the YF/VF-21's. Nice. (Meanwhile in the Arcadia office. Ok, tabs on the wings to keep it in place? Check. Goes back to drafting board. Revises renewal plans for YF-21. Next, to solve that 'thigh' problem.)
  13. Looks like it's included, Saburo. http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/51925834.html
  14. You're welcome Keiichi. I felt bad that after all that audio editing on the video it still recognized by their filters. Anyways, glad that it helped out on transforming yours. As for the YF-21, I also wish that Arcadia will go back to their drawing board and reengineer it again for renewal release. Make the proportion right somehow by beefing up the legs and make the thigh parts solid for transformation. I'm sure everyone will be happy and excited. Btw, nice worm's-eye view shot.
  15. Just got my NY shipping notice this morning. My YF-30 is in transit now. Not sure if it's going to leave Japan before their holiday starts. If not, I can still wait. I also noticed that NY removed my -1 EXP on my profile. Looks like the YF-30 purchased erased that -1. Cool. Looking forward to get that -1 again since I placed a wrong PO order months ago. Hope it will get erased again once I paid the VF-25S PO. Hehehe. Ooohh. Tempting...
  16. Just want to say welcome back to a fellow MWers. As for VF-4G, good luck to both of us. I believe it's considered as a holy grail.
  17. True. But if they're going to lower it back to Y10000 for the old Renewal releases, I might buy one and that's the one I'm going to paint and ruin it. Just in case i didn't paint it correctly. Hehehe. But they really need to move that 25S Renewal releases now. there knowing that Bandai already put out a reissue on November.
  18. Go get that Luca 171 now. Btw, congrats on your 9000 posts. So I heard from a friend. Lucky for him he has lots of time.
  19. Oh my! Love that wall. Note to myself: one day... one day... If you just browse previous pages, you can see some members found a way to fit most valks in fighter mode in one shelf. Free samples below: Most of them uses some acrylic risers or fishing line. Hope that helps.
  20. That's what I thought too. That's why I'm going to keep my NY PO to be safe. I think I will just also let the PO game continue and not to bother and try to look for good deal again since from what PlayAsia says PO's can't be cancel. Since there was no pay later option and I already put my CC information in there assuming that it will just get deducted automatically if the item gets available and shipped. Either or I may or may not have 2 Ozma. But one thing I'm sure is I will get one atleast. On second thought, I'm still not closing my door to the other well-known stores if ever they decided to open the PO again with good price. Then I just might ignore my upcoming NY invoice once again ala-YF25.
  21. Oh man. Too late now. Well, I know the blame is on me since from the start I'm not that interested on getting this. But when I saw everyone's photo (esp Saburo's) I decided to get one and plan on adding the Tornado Cannon to my planned customed Ozma valk. Only to find out that prices online is going up. You got it while it still at Y8000, right? I think the day I decided on getting this is the same day that NY jacked up their price. As much as I like to use them everytime, I'm just really not happy on how they jack up the price so easily. They're like a regular friendly stores at first but once they found out that the items are selling like pancakes, they turned into scalpers instantly.
  22. Here's the reply I got from their customer service when I asked the chances on the stock availability for everyone's orders:
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