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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. Cool. Please update us if PO is already available. Now I have to think what to buy so I can get Free Shipping. Btw, do you have a shipping cost page on the site? Thanks in advance.
  2. 1/3000? Wow! Wish I could have one too. Thanks Benson13. Btw, how tall was the 1/2000 scale? I've seen pics before but not so sure if I read some infos about it. Thanks.
  3. They already know that, right? Every toy is 'Made in China'.
  4. And it will be a surprise (for me!) if they will release that 'same valk' this year too.
  5. I just noticed that for PO items, Lunar Toy Store is asking for a deposit fee ranging from $5-10. Just need to check later if they will deduct that once the item is available. But atleast it will be available here in the US.
  6. Price is nice and doable. Should I PO or not? Hahaha! Did anyone PO'ed? This looks promising for US customers: Lunar Toy Store If all things goes right Pre-order should be up sometimes today on the web store. Hope you all enjoy it. 42 minutes ago
  7. Don't worry, Saburo. We both going to have our own VF-4G in the future. Whether it will be Yamato version or Arcadia version. One day... Time to eat more of that Arroz Caldo to save money. Or Costco Polish Sausage for lunch. Hahaha! Great shots TCracker. Love the poses you did. Imagine the action poses you do with Saburo's quality of pics... PicPorn. Those are nice, Murphy. Envy much. Hahaha! Love the panel lines, chyll2. Overkill! But I like it. Would it be nice if the Macross30 PS3 game has that custom weapon add-on parts set-up like mix and match between Valkkyries. Looking forward to this. Have fun guys!
  8. Congrats by the way, Yeti. I know I missed the first run. Looking forward to your second run.
  9. The Battroid mode is looking good. I really wish I have unlimited cash flow to get all the Valks coz this one really looks nice and HUGE. But have to set priorities. But I'm still looking forward for their 0S Renewal down the line after the 0D. I'll get that one for sure.
  10. $91.63 for brand new?! Wow! Those would be nice.
  11. Great shots on the USS Midway. Those are cool, Yeti.
  12. Sorry for the OT. Just want to get back to Mommar with updates. Everything is great except for the missing Shoulder Armor Peg. Which I don't mind since I just paid $19 for it. And I want to keep this in Powered Suit mode so that's fine. Will just fix it when I have time to do it. Hey wmcheng. This is the cheapest I could find via Rakuten. http://item.rakuten.co.jp/okoku/011728011705080802/?scid=af_pc_etc&sc2id=247567789 True. Now I was hoping that there was an Ex-Gear Ozma too. Ok, back to topic... the Tornado Parts is sure is heavy. Good thing I just need the Cannon... for now.
  13. I just opened the box and see thru the plastic tray. So far, it looks good. Though I see 1 item from the backpack area that is joggling on the tray. And I didn't see any crack nor bruise on the item so I assumed it was not put in the tray properly. Will inspect it later since I'm in the office. Don't want to give bad impression. Hehehe. The reason why it's $19 something, it was posted around Y2980. And when I paid it, they give my 15% off. Not knowing that Rakuten is giving 15% off on all the items posted used or sealed. And this one is used based on the item description. Good thing it didn't smell like cigarettes.
  14. Yup. Around 2009. It was posted as Y2800 something. I still think it was a good price. But when I paid for it, I still got a 15% off. Not knowing that they were giving 15% off on all items posted in Rakuten that time. So I paid around Y1980 something. Not bad knowing that they're selling this via eBay around $60-90.
  15. Great reviews, jenius and VF5SS! Now I can transform mine.
  16. Great purchases everyone! Keep them coming! Few hauls. YF-30 from Nippon-Yasan. VF-25F Renewal Tornado Parts and Ex-Gear Alto Saotome from 'fromjapan'.
  17. Finally! Arrived today 'fromjapan'. Now all I need to wait is for Ozma coming November. Couldn't resist the price for the Ex-Gear so I bought it too. Y1989 before fromjapan fees and shipping. Not bad, right?
  18. Cool Iron Man pose. Great shots, TCracker. I didn't know that Chronos would look COOL as an iPhone Wallpaper. Great photos by the way, Saburo. Hope you don't mind.
  19. That 19Active looks nice. Hope it has a CF color scheme. Military-esque grey with a hint of orange.
  20. Thanks jvmacross. That new Vampire drawings looks cool. Nice color scheme too. Well, if that's the case, I just hope that they should go back and try to fix YF-21/VF-22 first before commiting on doing other designs. Or they could just go these new valks as a testbed then if they found that it's doable and succesful after release then go back to YF-21/VF-22s.
  21. Same thing happened to me when I didn't check Mandarake for a day for that last VF-4G that went on sale.
  22. Ok. Would love to ask this question here instead of making a new one. I know seeing the VF-14 Vampire photos makes me wonder, would they try to achieve what's being said on the line art? Or would they make a 'sleek' plane first before adjusting the look on the other modes such as Gerwalk and Battroid. In which will alienate fans for having a different look and proportions kinda like what happened to YF-21. I know for a fact that in reality we will not get a 'perfect' transforming figure that will look like as sleek as the lineart for the fighter mode and as bulky as the lineart for the battroid mode. And same goes to gerwalk mode as well. If ever they decided to release such a beast e.g. the Vampire, and basing their designs on the original lineart as much as possible, would people welcomes the idea of 'parts-former' on their 'perfect trance' transforming Valkyries, just to have that 'proportion' look? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. But it just makes me curious when I saw the Vampire Valk since I'm not familiar with it.
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