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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Go Saburo! Get it already! Before they run out.
  2. Congrats everyone! That's a great 1/6th scale bike. I have a feeling it will look great with Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow. The only thing I'm afraid of is that I'm not sure if Snake Eyes can bend his thigh and knee to do a proper 'sit' position since Hot Toys figures are 'only meant' for museum type poses. Hmmm.
  3. Yeah, I did tried on pushing the pin away from the canopy area during Battroid mode since I haven't tried the toothpaste thing suggestion from David yet. Coz I keep on forgetting it. So right now, I just remove the canopy on all my VF-0's. Including the VF-0D.
  4. Hahaha! Don't blame us. After all, we're just encouraging people to get the good stuff. I'm sure you will never ever regret getting that fantabulous Valk and especially that SAP pack.
  5. Yeah. I like his stuff. My fave was his Rogue. It's X-Men Rogue Jim Lee Trading Card came to life. And he used a perfect model to portray Rogue. I know she's Filipina and not Southern Belle, but she looks perfect playing Rogue. Yup, me too. And if ever it gets made, I'm not so sure if it's going to be loyal to the series. The only thing I could think of that it will look cool on that 'dream' movie is the transformation sequence. I agree. So much, here's another one from his catalog. Again, not sure if this is already been posted. But I can say that he really takes this things seriously.
  6. Ok. I don't want to start another thread so I'm posting this one here. Not so sure too if anyone already posted this specific photo. On The Bridge by Jay Tablante. He's a well known photographer in the Philippines. And he already published a photobook full of cosplayers. Most of them are mixed photo and digital imaging backgrounds.
  7. I've read this years ago. Hence, the date stamp on the page you've posted is 2010. And somebody already posted that same link ages ago. So there's nothing new to read at.
  8. Cool. So far by using this, from your experience, it hasn't created any scratches yet by the gear door, right? What I worry about is the 0A since the white/grey part is kinda painted not like the 0S which is molded in white. I might ask some friends here at work for some loose/extra picks to try it. Thanks David. But still, that's Arcadia we're talking about.
  9. That's why most of us always suggest to use HLJ so you still have a chance to cancel if ever you have second thoughts. And no customer banning for making cancelations prior of release date. (And by saying this, I meant cancelling weeks before the release date.)
  10. They will release this the moment Bandai releases their DX Deltas and Drakkens so everyone will panic.
  11. True. I felt burn out already. In less than a year, we got 3 VF-0's. Though I might say Arcadia should've plan on releasing the Reactive Armor this year than next year while there's still that VF-0S hype. I mean, everyone of us were so excited on purchasing the VF-0S just for the announcement of Reactive Armor alone. I mean, you will not beat the DX DELTA Hype in the upcoming months with just the release of Reactive Armor, right?
  12. I forgot who mentioned the Guitar Pick too. But yes, I think it's the safest tool to use coz any screwdrivers have wedge shape on the tip that might cause scratches on the plastics while trying to open up the landing gear doors.
  13. Yup. Mine have loose missile tabs and both loose elbow joints. Left is the most. Just haven't figure it out yet how to tighten it up. Edit: Forgot to mention that the brown/maroon painted covers beside the leg bottom fins keeps on popping off whenever I move the fins. Especially when I pose it in Fighter mode with the gear down.
  14. Like 500yen cheaper? I don't think Arcadia will approve that.
  15. +1 I'm curious as well after I heard their podcast before. Any thoughts or new podcast episode focusing on this toy after it got released?
  16. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Hahaha! It's now past my bedtime and you made me want to watch Ghostbusters by watching that clip.
  17. no3Ljm

    Macross figures

    Sshhh... Uhm... HG employees?
  18. I have a feeling everyone will jump on that one for sure. Imagine, a fixed VF-0A with CF color. But not for me, however.
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