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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. February 23.
  2. no3Ljm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hahaha! No worries. Well, I'm still here if ever you changed your mind.
  3. no3Ljm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Next time you want to throw your Draken, I'd be willing to catch it for free. I don't mind having 3 Drakens. They're fun to transform and cool to look at. That way, I can display Keith's Draken in all modes. Just letting you know.
  4. That's because Arcadia keeps on putting out the same thing over and over again with touch-ups and cost more. Yes, I agree that this is good to people who missed out VF-0S the first time it came out and be treated afterwards instead with a Premium Finish announcement? That will be a great purchase for sure. But if you think about Arcadia releases overall, it's like they're the high-end versions of Harmony Gold's same VF-1 releases. They're just stuck with what they have. And that's my complain. In the end, we just complain because that's what we do here. IT keeps the board alive. Now sing Walküre girls... "WELCOME TO MACROSSWORLD..." Don't rush yourself. You still have up to February to decide.
  5. Sad to hear about this.
  6. no3Ljm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It didn't meant that they're cutting boxes of the actual product box. What they do is they customized the shipping box to fit on the product box. If the next shipping box available is twice the size of the product box, say Arcadia boxes, they cut it and reform the shipping box to fit near the Arcadia box and stock it with paper or any bubble wrap in it for added protection.
  7. It already had it on the anime. Gunpod, Fast Packs, and Legs.
  8. So awesome it reminds me of MS piloted by Char. Wait. A Char piloted Astraea. Nice. Hope down the line they release a white Astraea too.
  9. That is so nice. Paging Anubis.
  10. Looks like my price guesstimate on the PF VF-0S is off by Y9200. From Y48000 to Y38800. Well, atleast you already have extra for shipping fees.
  11. Premium Finish starts preorder on January 16, 2018 for Y38800 via Arcadia Online Shop. Preorder ends on February 23, 2018. Updated first post with price and preorder dates. Info from: http://hobby.dengeki.com/news/510104
  12. no3Ljm


    A Sword and a Sheath. How cool is that.
  13. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Or they probably just used those conventional Jewelry Rubber Mallet and hammer it down(?) manually since the screw is small.
  14. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes. It's still a threaded screw. I'm sure it's still can be replaced with the one with a screw head. But I have to wait for the other one to fall off too so I can replaced two rather than having one with flat head and one without. So it's basically like this one. The nearest one I can google is called Elevator Bolt. But yeah, not sure to how they put it there in the first place. The other screw I'm thinking about if the other gets loose and I need to replace both, I need to get something like this. So the screw is up to the edge so it looks nicer.
  15. You're welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay here. As for the DX Frontier Valks having loose joints is always expected. If you need some insights or advices, tips, etc. on repairing or fixing those joints we have a thread called Macross Maintenance. You can check it out. And feel free to share how you do yours if it's possible. Thanks!
  16. Nice Ozma's YF-29! Welcome to the MWF!
  17. As per HobbySearch info: - Scale: Non-Scale - Size: Overall length of the aircraft: approx. 205 mm Frame height: approximately 155 mm The Frame height is the figure since most shop says the figure stands at 15.5cm.
  18. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup. That's what I meant on the intake gap on the HMR is wider than the Evolution Toy's as per lineart. I did try it earlier on my HMR if that lineart setup is doable but the metal swivel joint is too thick and won't let the intake rest under the chest area which I'm sure that Evolution Toy kind of nailed it. Plus making the wings go up. By the way, just want to update that one of the 'screw-less head' screws on my intake joints (yup, those metal joints that fold that connects the intakes) pop out and there's no way for me to screw it back because it's head is screw-less. Only thing I could do is insert it back and hope it won't pop out again. I might coat the screw some clear nail polish next time and insert it back.
  19. You're welcome. Just so you know, @anubis20 also is selling his. Good luck!
  20. And wait for Arcadia's Premium Finish VF-1D Virgin Road announcement. Then you will all be set.
  21. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes. I know the intakes are correct and way better in Fighter mode with the HMR, than the Evolution Toy counterpart. I'm just pointing out on Jenius photo in Gerwalk mode posted above where he has a description of the different position of the intakes on the HMR version which is more correct. But based on the lineart, I think Evolution Toy got the intake placement right too when in Gerwalk mode resting under the chest area. Bandai's intake in Gerwalk mode is a little bit wider on the gap/spacing than the Evolution Toy's.
  22. no3Ljm

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks! As awlays, great review Jenius! By the way, I prefer what Bandai did on the intake placement in Gerwalk mode. But I thought Evolution Toys got the intakes placement right in Gerwalk mode as per lineart? Bottom diagram #4 picture.
  23. Not a big fan of the Speaker Pods here but that one looks nice, Xigfrid.
  24. You never know.
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