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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. https://ramentoy.com/products/item-80c06-80s-commanders-land-drone-pre-order-exclude-shipping
  2. A transforming ASURADA G.S.X.?! I'm in for one. Kawamori should be proud. Just need to tweak the head with a visor and mouth cover.
  3. Like I said, most prefer the Messiah's shoulder plate leveled probably like how it was shown in the anime/lineart. But on the manual's section 12, it tells us that the wing section and the cockpit block should be parallel once the wing section pulled back further. And it what makes the chest section locked together.
  4. This Ideas project looks cool and clean. Hope it will pass. https://ideas.lego.com/projects/18bae27f-b143-41cb-bba7-dcf7c9a9b676
  5. The trick on the top chest area is to push more the shoulder hinge and the back plate hinge towards more to the back, basically locking the top part securely. Most would like the shoulder part kind of leveled straight in Battroid. But by doing so, it will still shake a bit, feeling it's not lock. Hence your feeling of it just floating there. Where once you fold it down more towards to the back, it will lock properly. Though, the downside is the shoulder armor bit would not look straight. If you prefer it that way. Also, by pulling the whole thing towards to the back, the canopy would look more hidden by the side covers.
  6. After the recent tragic car accident she was involved in... https://people.com/tv/anne-heche-dead/
  7. In case you're out of the loop, last year Big West and Harmony Gold made an agreement regarding releases. Big West labeled that as 'World Wide Macross'. Check links below. https://macross.jp/news-detail/1436/ https://macross.jp/news-detail/18862/ https://macross.jp/news-detail/1442/ This is mostly series post-SDFM from Big West and Bandai. It's why you saw some Macross stuff (non-SDFM) on some of the known US stores. And these releases will have the 40th Anniversary and World Wide Macross sticker on the box. So far, Bandai has the DX VF-25F WWM Anniversary, DX Max's YF-29, and HMR VF-0S. Any 'SDFM' releases coming from Bandai will only sports the 40th Anniversary logo.
  8. MegaHouse Precious G.E.M. Series Evangelion 3.0 Asuka Langley Sohryu & Mari Makinami Illustrious October 2022 Release Y36300
  9. no3Ljm

    Arcadia VF-5000G

  10. no3Ljm

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Yeah, the intake warnings should be there like the other Valks. But do be careful though if you're going to add aftermarket waterslides to it. It might get scratch if you're going to use its stand adaptor.
  11. I think all Strike releases are the same in built. The only difference usually are the color and markings. From what I recall, the 10th Anniv version is close to the first MB Aile Strike release which also has that ab crunch articulation.
  12. no3Ljm

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    They're reserving it for their Premium Finish version which they will announce it 3 months after the regular release PO. Or worst, they'll probably announce it once the regular got released.
  13. Anime accurate? Be careful what you wish for. They might do this next on their Plush 2.0.
  14. Here's some postings at YJA: https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/search/search?p=metal+build+ストライクガンダム+ヘリオポリス&va=metal+build+ストライクガンダム+ヘリオポリス&fixed=3&exflg=1&b=1&n=50
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