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Everything posted by MicronianDevil

  1. I'm still waiting for the 1/60 Max and Kakizaki TV 1As.
  2. Yes. Pick one up.
  3. MicronianDevil

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    1/60 GBP? Cool. Cant wait to hear the official announcement. I dont want to get too excited yet.
  4. Great custom. I like it alot.
  5. Looks great. But to be honest, for a Millia 1A, it has way too much red. That is assuming you are modeling it after Max's TV 1A.
  6. Same here.
  7. Max TV VF-1A.
  8. A 1/48 Super O would be nice.
  9. No money for Valks. Too many bills.
  10. Booya!!!!
  11. None of those. I want a TV Max 1A.
  12. Depending on my monetary situation, I'll pick one up.
  13. Dont think twice about it, just buy the damn thing.
  14. Comic Book Guy says:
  15. So how are the entries for the Misa fanart going?
  16. Ummm...the second one.
  17. I think the easiest way is just donations through Paypal. I've been to other message boards that do this. I'd be more than happy to contribute to MW. (Not alot, but whatever I could.)
  18. I love the Bandai 1/55s. I find it sad that since the 1/48s came along the love for the 1/55s just vanished. Oh well...watcha gonna do? Personally, I would rather pick up a reissue of the Bandai Strike, Elint, and Super O than a 1/48. I dont think Bandai will reissue them though.
  19. Do not sell your 1/60s.
  20. I dont. I want to see a school girl in a school girl sailor suit. Either way, I do find the Angelbirds scheme interesting. I just prefer a Max TV 1A.
  21. Just buy the 1/48.
  22. Thats why I am glad I didnt buy from the first run of the Roy 1S. I'll definitely try and pick up the 1S the second time around. I just hope there is something shown on the box to show which release is which.
  23. Actually, I just remembered that my first Valk was a small plastic piece of crap that could transform. It was red and blue and I got it at the swapmeet. Wish I could remember who made it.
  24. Yeah! Now I really cant wait for it.
  25. That's the Voltron made by Panosh Place. I liked it as a kid, but as I grew older, I began disliking it. Same here. I had it and after a while I outgrew it. Plus, it was an ugly sucker. I dont know what happened to it, but my guess is that it ended up in the trash with other of my unwanted toys.
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