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Everything posted by MicronianDevil

  1. Single and ready to mingle.
  2. After High School I went to enlist in the army, but was medically disqualified.
  3. That is freakin' beautiful!!! Great job.
  4. Yamato SDF-1? Yep. Dont know what scale though.
  5. Just look over your shoulder before you back up or switch lanes. Buy Valkyrie.
  6. Dont know about them, but I practice Druken Kung-Fu minus the Kung-Fu.
  7. Holy crap!!! Your custom CF 1/48 looks great!!! Awesome job.
  8. Favorite games this year: Dynasty Warriors 4 Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu Conflict Desert Storm: Back to Baghdad
  9. Macross is a Sci-fi show/movie? NO crap!!! Macross is so great its just the exception. Plus, I watched it as a kid and I remember it fondly.
  10. Not a big SW fan. In fact I'm not a fan of Sci-fi at all, but out of the SW movies I have seen, Empire Strikes Back is the one I liked the best.
  11. 28 years young here.
  12. Buy whatever you want. Easy as that.
  13. Being a Valkaholic, although expensive, is great. What better time than now to be a Valkaholic? So much to choose from. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  14. Hey Mechmaster, those CG Valk Girls look great.
  15. Animeigo. Definitely. Bandai a close second.
  16. Max's kill at the beginning of DYRL. Classic.
  17. Keep 'em.
  18. I have a co-worker who is a big Sci-Fi fan. He read an article on cowboy Bebop and asked me if I knew about it. I told him it was a great series and that I have the DVDs. Well to cut a long story short, he watched the first five episodes and absolutely loved it. I lend him the rest and now he is a Cowboy Bebop fan. Moral of the story: start off from the very beginning. On an unrelated note: I also let him borrow the first Macross DVD and although he didnt think too much of the animation, he loves the storyline so far. I think I just made a new Macross fan.
  19. As much as I am hoping for a TV Max 1A, I know the next 1/48 is going to be a Max and/or Millia 1J.
  20. Petite. Yeah thats what I figured. I had narrowed it down to Petite or Buzz cola. Later on in the day it hit me that Buzz Cola is from the Simpsons. lol!!! So Petite was the choice by process of elimination.
  21. My favorite screentest are the ones from the Godfather. James Caan trying out for Michael Corleone and Robert De Niro for Sonny Corleone.
  22. Yes!!! This dead horse has been beaten many times.
  23. I dont like the red heatshield. I always thought Hikaru's Strike looked better with the black heatshield.
  24. That robot Cola machine was pretty cool. (I forgot the name of the cola.)
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