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Everything posted by MicronianDevil

  1. The first Resident Evil movie was absolutely horrible. I think this movie will be no better. BUT, I will watch it when it comes out on DVD.
  2. That plush toy is one cute lil' feller.
  3. Hmmm...I just checked their website and the 1/48 1S is at $140. They ship UPS!!! I hate UPS!!! I would never order from a company that ships UPS. Nothing against the company itself, I just had to many bad experiences with UPS.
  4. Ahhh...Frank and Sons. The only local place to get Valks at a decent price without having to pay for shipping.
  5. Awesome dioramas fellas. I really like that Bandai Strike diorama.
  6. $700!!! Ouch!!!
  7. I want 1/60 Fast Packs dammit!!!! My Hikaru, Max, and Kakizaki 1/60 Valks would look great with FPs!!!
  8. 1. No. 2. No. 3. 1/60s are not perfect transformation, but the 1/48s are.
  9. A 1/60 GBP would be great!!! I hope Yamato releases it. It would almost make up for my disappointment at Yamato for not releasing the 1/60 Fast Pack kit.
  10. An SDF-1 would be sweet. Though I know now that I will not be able to afford it. Too much $$$.
  11. They are all great. But I have to go against the grain and vote for the Bandais.
  12. Well, it looks like I finally found what I am going to dress as this Halloween.
  13. Jack Nicholson was "pretty good" as the Joker? He was f*cking amazing as The Joker!!! Nicholson's performance was one of the best acting performances ever in any movie. My opinion of course.
  14. I have a part time job (25 to 30 hrs a week), and I go to school. Collecting Valks is an expensive hobby. I use to buy them as they were released, but now I am not. I try to buy at least one Valk every month or two. Currently I am just taking $20 to $30 from every paycheck and setting it aside to pick up another 1/48.
  15. TV series: Love the characters. Its just a great story as well. Its just...a damn good series. Everytime I watch the series and the series ends, I feel sad because thats the end of Hikaru, Misa, Minmay, and the rest of the cast.
  16. Damn!!! Helloooooooooooo Nurse!!! Great pic. Probably the sexiest pic of any female Macross character I have seen posted.
  17. Misa!!! Uniform or DYRL flight suit.
  18. That is one great figure. The neck though...ugh!!! Looks like he suffers from E.T. syndrome.
  19. Exactly. Both are great Valk. So please, stop with the 1/60 bashing!!! Or Im gonna get angry!!!
  20. '88 huh? Loooooooong time ago. I dont even think I was born yet. Seriously, great drawing man. I hope you kept up the drawing. You have any recent pictures?
  21. What about Rick the Hunter? He did some some great customs.
  22. Exactly. The Super O is awesome.
  23. Or maybe "Yamato liker of certain Valks."
  24. Hey thats great!!! How much did you pay for it?
  25. I say Macross Zero. I havent seen Zero, Macross Plus, or Macross 7 but from what I have seen of the Mecha, I like M0 the best.
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