Hmmm...I just checked their website and the 1/48 1S is at $140.
They ship UPS!!! I hate UPS!!! I would never order from a company that ships UPS.
Nothing against the company itself, I just had to many bad experiences with UPS.
A 1/60 GBP would be great!!! I hope Yamato releases it.
It would almost make up for my disappointment at Yamato for not releasing the 1/60 Fast Pack kit.
Jack Nicholson was "pretty good" as the Joker?
He was f*cking amazing as The Joker!!! Nicholson's performance was one of the best acting performances ever in any movie. My opinion of course.
I have a part time job (25 to 30 hrs a week), and I go to school. Collecting Valks is an expensive hobby. I use to buy them as they were released, but now I am not. I try to buy at least one Valk every month or two. Currently I am just taking $20 to $30 from every paycheck and setting it aside to pick up another 1/48.
TV series: Love the characters. Its just a great story as well. Its just...a damn good series. Everytime I watch the series and the series ends, I feel sad because thats the end of Hikaru, Misa, Minmay, and the rest of the cast.
'88 huh? Loooooooong time ago. I dont even think I was born yet.
Seriously, great drawing man. I hope you kept up the drawing. You have any recent pictures?