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Everything posted by MicronianDevil

  1. I'd probably pick up a couple of Regults. Depending on the price.
  2. I say leave everything the way it is. Things are running very smoothly. An OT forum is not necessary.
  3. 1/60 scale.
  4. Male Faye Valentine cosplayer? Thats just wrong. VERY wrong.
  5. This year I am in a buying slump. Consider last year. From June 2002 to the end of 2002 (six month span) I purchased: Bandai: Roy 1S, Hikaru 1J, CF 1A, Super Valk with FP. Yamato: Max DYRL 1/60, CF 1/60, Strike Valk, Hikaru 1A 1/48, Hikaru Super 1J. This year so far: (Nine months into the year.) Yamato: Max Super, Millia Super, Hikaru 1A, Kakizaki 1/60 custom. Bandai: Max 1J, Millia 1J. Well not much of a slump but still a slump. I mean...its been almost a year since I purchased my 1/48 and have not purchased another!!!
  6. I thought it was "Ostrich" mode?
  7. Another thing that comes to mind is Misa losing Riber in the Unification Wars. Both Hikaru and Misa lost very close loved ones to war which I think brought then together more. Hikaru grew to Misa's maturity when Roy died and looked past Minmay who did not mature until the reality of the war hit her when they landed back on earth after it was destroyed. In other words, Hikaru and Misa grew closer through tragedy.
  8. Roy's death was needed for Hikaru to grow as a character.
  9. That little Jetfire is cool.
  10. Awesome custom!!! I love the Max DYRL Valks.
  11. Problem here too. My closet is small and it is quickly becoming crowded. Maybe I can knock down a wall or two to make room for the upcoming Yammies.
  12. Other obsessions besides Macross? Hmm... Well I play the guitar. I have a 2 Fender Stratocasters and a Fender Princeton 65 amp. Small amp but a big ass sound!!! Unfortunately though, I havent played my Strat since January when the little band we were getting together broke up. Since then I have been busy with school and work. I also love to read. I am a fan of horror fiction. Currently I have gotten into Bentley Little which I think is a good horror fiction author. I am a big fan of Edger Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. I also love to read about U.S. history. Last be not least, I am obsessed with the Dynasty Warriors series for the PS2. I have literally played that game exclusively for almost a year. lol!!!
  13. I think the boxes for the 1/60s are fine, but the boxes for the 1/48s are f-ing huge. Actually looking at the box I dont see a way Yamato could really reduce the size of the box. Would be nice, but I dont think it will happen.
  14. Welcome aboard Caufield. Say hello to your new Valk addiction and goodbye to your money.
  15. I really like my 1/60 Max DYRL 1A. That one has to be my favorite so far.
  16. I'm not keeping my hopes up. RE was ruined and I am sure this Silent Hill will be too. I dont think I have seen one good mavie that is based from a video game.
  17. I hope that seam on the head of the 1S is not as noticeable on the re-issues.
  18. MicronianDevil


    Without Fast Packs. I dont really care for them with the Hikaru 1J.
  19. YES!!! I can get the 1/48 Hikaru TV 1J without the FPs. I wouldn't put FPs on Hikaru's TV 1J, it never had them in the series.
  20. Hey thanks for the stats mcpaz. Out of everyone who posted, I account for: 1/60s: 0.005% (8 out of 1,452 1/60s reported) 1/72s: 0% (0 out of 686 1/72s reported) 1/48s: 0.001% (1 out of 555 1/48s reported)
  21. Get Roy's Vf-1S. Since Yamato is going to do another run of Roy's 1S (at least from what I have read here) it wont suffer from the current QC issues that the first run produced.
  22. I'm thinking it might be Ada. I dont think she really died. After all, who was the girl that threw down the Bazooka (sp?) to use on the Tyrant in RE2? My guess is that it was definitely Ada. Has anyone besides me read any of the Resident Evil novels by S.D. Perry?
  23. Mmmmm...Minmay porn. Now thats a movie I'd really like to see. Bad acting and all. (Not that porno has good acting).
  24. The Hikaru TV pilot looks good.
  25. No f-ing way. That guy is a horrible actor. I've seen better acting in ummm...adult films.
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